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Ermakovka F-Be deposit (Fig.9, page 19)
(Reif, 2004; Excursion Guide…,
1995; Reif, 2008)
The area of
the Ermakovka F-Be deposit (Fig.10, page 20) being the largest one in
Russia is a part of Siberian Platform southern fold rim, and it
localizes in West Transbaikalia, 140 km east of Ulan-Ude. The deposit
lies near the Kizhinga Mesozoic riftogenic depression and occurs in
carbonate-terrigenous strata preserved as comparatively big roof
pendant in distribution area of Paleozoic granitoids. The host strata
represents sublatitudinal asymmetrical syncline (Fig.11, page 21).
Metasomatic sandstones compose the core of syncline, whereas the
strata of interbedded dolomites, limestones and
amphibole-pyroxene-biotite schists forms limbs of the syncline.
Of economical
value are fenacite-microcline fluorite deposits with high content of
BeO to 4%, 1.19% averagely) that formed by replacement of limestones
subjected to grinding. The poorer veinlet-impregnated mineralization
is not widely spread, mostly in scarns, alumosilicate schists and
igneous rocks that formed in the following succession: 1) sill of
gabbrodiorites (318 ± 2 Ma); 2) the by layered and cutting
bodies of biotite, sometimes gneiss-like granites (261 ± 5
Ma); 3) pre-ore suite of basic and acid composition dykes –
trachydolerites, trachyandesites, trachyrhyolites (225 ± 5 Ma)
(Lykhin et al., 2001). The later leucocratic aegerine-containing
granites (224 ± 1 Ma) form the weakly eroded (0.01 km2
at the surface), widening with depth protrusion of Ermakovka
intrusion. Ore bodies are grouped around the protrusion being 100-400
m away, but the F-Be mineralization was not found in granites
themselves, though their local fluoritization is followed by 2-4 fold
increase in Be content. In addition, alkaline granites are considered
as syn-ore ones, felsite dyke without signs of hydrothermal
alteration is post-ore in places of ore deposit crossing.
hydrothermally altered rocks are represented by the following
varieties: (1) albite and quartz-albite-microcline metasomatites on
the Pre-Mesozoic granites and pegmatites; (2) garnet-pyroxene and
pyroxene-vesuvianite scarns that develop on carbonate and silicate
rocks, including some magmatic formations; (3) microclinites that
replace both metasedimentary and igneous rocks; (4) vein-like zones
of fluoritization controlled by tectonic dislocations, being
characteristic of all rock types within the ore field.
The Ermakovka
granite stock represents discordant intrusive body with numerous
apophyses. The Ermakovka stock is composed by rocks of three
intrusive phases in the depth interval being accessible for
observation. Early porphyry-like granites (Gr1) occur among
metamorphic rocks of isolated dykes and form rounded and sharply
angular xenoliths of various size (to several m3)
in the younger granite-porphyries (Gr2) that make up more than 90% of
the intrusive volume (Fig.10, inset B). Both Gr1 and Gr2 are crossed
by numerous thin dykes (<20 cm) of fine- and middle-grained
granites (Gr3, Fig.10, inset C). Veins and lenses of pegmatites (Pgm)
0.1-0.4 m thick and 10-40 m long occur in apical part of the stock,
among granites of Phase II (Gr2). Cm-sized schlierens also occur in
some types of Phase III. These pegmatites were formed due to
segregation of residual melt as e result in situ crystallization of
Gr2 and G 3. Contents of SiO2,
Rb, Zr, Nb, Th increase, and those of Sr and Y decrease in granites
in succession from Phase I to Phase III (Gr1 Gr3)
(Table 2, page 22). It shows that partial separation of feldspar
occurred during the period of Gr 1, Gr 2 and Gr 3 introductions.
Compared to alkaline granitoids of Transbaikalia (Zanvilevich et al.,
1985), granites of Phase II that compose bulk volume of the Ermakovka
stock are more than twice enriched in F, Rb, Zr, Nb, Ni, Cu, Pb, Mn
and depleted in Sr and Ba. Variations in Be, Y and Mo are not
Granites are
composed by quartz and perthitic alkaline feldspar that form rounded
idiomorphic phenocrysts 5-7 mkm in size and fine-grained matrix in
the pegmatite inner zones. Quartz and feldspar form coarse-grained
aggregates or isolated megacrysts (to 6 cm long) within fine-grained
aplite-like granite that composes marginal zones. Needle-shaped
microcrystals of aegerine occur in outer zones of some quartz
phenocrysts. However, they are also usual in quartz matrix. Aegerine
is also present in granite matrix as in other alkaline granites of
Transbaikalia. But in this case, it is usually replaced by aggregate
oh hematite, albite and quartz (±siderite). Aegerine amount
increases from 1-2 to 5% from G 1 to Gr3. It is also particular for
zircon, ilmenite and other concentrators of trace elements like
monazite, ilmenoruthile and florencite that occur in pegmatites.
Minerals of beryllium lack in granites and pegmatites.
The presence
of microscopic (20-80 mkm) fluorite inclusions in quartz phenocrysts
is a specific feature of granites. Fluorite amount increases in
quartz of Phases I and II granite matrix, and separate grains to 0.5
mm in size originate in granites of Phase III in many cases. Quartz
grains along with fluorite contain microcline inclusions that
indicates their magmatic origin for both of them.
In some
cases, apophyses and relatively thin (0.6-3 m) endocontact zones of
the Ermakovka stock composed by regular-, fine- and middle-grained
granites contain dendrite crystals of quartz and aegerine being
perpendicular to contact. Such one-oriented textures form in those
cases when the melt is overcooled, and there is a sufficient thermal
gradient. Respectively, zones with dendritic crystals can be
considered as quenching zones
Quenching zones in
granite-porphyries on contact with granite-pyroxene and vesuvianite
scarns show that the latter were formed prior to introduction of the
Ermakovka stock. In contrast, more ancient granite bodies do not have
quenching zones, and processes of scarn formation are associated just
with them.
The dyke
suite is represented by numerous not large intrusions from 0.5 to 15
m thick and from 100 to 1000 m long that are oriented in
submeridional direction along the border with the adjacent tectonic
depression. Dykes of porphyry-like diorites and quartz monzonites
that represent the earliest formations of the dyke series occur both
within the deposit and outside it, whereas the younger dykes of
porphyry-like quartz syenites mostly localize near the deposit and
only sometimes are 1-2 km outside it. The youngest felsite dyke is
within the ore body and differed by north-western orientation from
the previous ones.
about relative temporary succession of dyke, ore and granite stock
formation are based on the following data. The observations in the
open pit show that the stock of aegerine granites undoubtedly hosts
only the felsite dyke, while the dykes of other composition cross
numerous not large granite bodies that were previously considered as
apophyses of stock, but differed from it by lack of quenching
endocontact zones or regular-grained, sometimes gneiss-like
structure. Therefore, these granites are rather apophyses of
Pre-Mesozoic granites, but not the Ermakovka intrusive. Moreover,
granites contain large (tens m3)
schist xenoliths that host veins of quartz syenite-porphyries being
similar to typical dykes of quartz syenites by composition and
texture. Thus, all dykes, except, felsic one are pre-ore and intruded
prior to formation of the Ermakovka stock.
ore-forming Be mineralization of the deposit is represented by some
loads being rich in fluorite. The largest ones of them occur in
limestones grinded by numerous tectonic dislocations. The present
stratiform massive ore bodies (>1 mass.% Be) have complex form in
detail and demonstrate transitions to stockwork ores (<1 mass.%
Be). Ores within limestones are largely composed by fluorite (to 60
vol.%) and subordinate bertrandite and/or fenacite, microcline,
quartz, calcite, pyrite and sporadically occurring galena and
sphalerite. The loads being rich in fluorite within alumosilicate
rocks (brecciated scarns, schists, gabbroids) rarely occur. They are
enriched in quartz and highly depleted in Be minerals. The Be
mineralization was not revealed in granites, though Be content in
granites that contained traces of postmagmatic fluorite was twice
higher than in unaltered rocks.
molybdenum mineralization in the Ermakovka deposit is represented by
several types. Dispersed molybdenite, pyrite and postmagmatic
fluorite that are confined to albitization zones in Gr2, represent
the first type of Mo mineralization (Mo1). Compared to the unaltered
granites (Gr2), albitized rocks are highly enriched in Mo, depleted
in Zr and Nb and have various contents of Be. The second type of Mo
mineralization (Mo2) is confined to western apophyses of the
Ermakovka stock and represented by a thin net of quartz veinlets
that contain minor fluorite, and enriched in molybdenite, monazite,
ilmenoruthile, and lack Be minerals. The similar net of veinlets
being rich in molybdenite crosscuts biotite schists 300 m to the
north-west from stock. It is the third type of Mo mineralization
(Mo3). In this case, the veins consist of oligoclase,
andradite-grossular garnet, calcite, subordinate vesuvianite, pyrite
and a great amount of late molybdenite. Fluorite is not specific of
this type of mineralization. Be minerals were not revealed.