Seltmann R.

Zaraisky G.P., Aksyuk A.M., Chevychelov V.Yu., Udoratina O.V.  Petrochemical evidence of the granite crystal fractionation of the Kukulbey rare metal complex of the East Transbaikalia .
Seltmann R. & CERCAMS team, Borisenko A.S. & SB RAS team, Petrov O., Shatov V., Metallogeny of the altaids-identifying new terranes based on interdisciplinary geotraverse study
Chevychelov V.Yu., Borodulin G.P., Zaraisky G.P.  Influence of the melt composition and P-T conditions on solubility and partitioning of Ta and Nb in the system of aqueous fluid - granitoid melt: experimental data.