Alekseev V.I.
Sankt-Petersburg State Mining
Institute named after G.V.Plekhanov (technical university),
Russia, wia59@mail.ru
In granitic melts at shallow
depths (0,5-3 km) fluid pressure can essentially increase through
volatile components escaping. As a result fluid-saturated magmatic
systems gain ability to develop explosively and the systems of
lithium-fluoric rare-metal melts with water content up to 10-13% and
fluorine content – 2,5-3,5 % particularly stand
out against them.
Granitoids of
the Severniy pluton which is situated in Shelagskaya ridge of the
Chukot uplands were studied and for the first time in the Chukot
relatively thin sills made of lithium- fluoric zinnwaldite granites
of the Severniy massif and ongonite dykes were discovered among
coarse-grained biotite granites and granite porphyries (Alekseev,
2005). The conditions of the Severniy massif granites formation were
studied with the help of the methods based on the models of feldspars
solid solution decomposition processes and Al-Si- ordering
(Kamentsev, Sorokin, 1990). Calculations show that lithium- fluoric
granites crystallization proceeded at relatively low temperatures and
increased fluid pressure. It should be hypothesized for biotite
granites of the additional phase that crystallization pressure
exceeds the lithostatic one by 150 ÌPà.
But the most interesting results were obtained in estimation of the
lithium-fluoric granites crystallization pressure: microcline which
is a constituent of these granites was formed at the temperature from
660° to 590°Ñ
and under the pressure of 500 ÌPà
whereas in ongonite formation the pressure reached 800 MPa (Alekseev,
Hence, the growth of pressure was fixed
the history of the Severniy granite pluton formation and in the late
stage of magmatism, when lithium- fluoric granites formation it
exceeds the lithostatic stress by 800 – 50 = 750 ÌPà
(Fig. 1).

conditions of the Severniy granites crystallization according to
feldspar study data.
1-4 – calculated
conditions of granites crystallization:
1 – biotite granites, 2 – biotite
granite porphyry, 3 – zinnwaldite granites,
4 – zinnwaldite ongonites, 5 – evolution
of crystallization conditions from early phases to later ones;
6 – monovariant equilibrium line for eutectic
granitic magma with 2 mas. % H2O
and 0,2 mass. % F (Ðñ-melt,
–crystals, Ôë
–fluid), 7 – granitic solidus, 8 – load
pressure of overlying rocks, 9– line of intensive
decompression crystallization of magma, 10,11 – facial
conditions of lithium-fluoric granites crystallization in permeable
strata (11), in
the biotite granite body of the Severniy pluton (12).
pressure conditions of the Severniy massif crystallization are
confirmed by petrographic observations
which show undescribed earlier syngenetic deformation of minerals in
zinnwaldite granites – protoclasis.
albite crystals are observed more often in the neighbourhood with
undeformed quartz individuals and quite often they have microcline
rims. Numerous effects of topaz
protoclasis as blocking, boudinage or shifting with subsequent
filling of the originated space with plagioclase and quartz were
found out.
Facts that
fluid pressure greatly exceeds granitic melt lithostatic stress are
confirmed with current conceptions (Kovalenko,
1987). According to V.B. Naumov, F.G. Reif, M.I. Shvadus,
G.A. Valuy, J. Lameyre and other reseachers rare-metal
granites crystallization pressure of Transbaikalia, Mongolia, the
Primorye, France reached 250-620 ÌPà.
These results prove the possibility to apply
V.S. Sobolev-N.L. Dobretsov’s ideas about
superpressure-the pressure which exceeds overlying mass stress in
rock-forming process- to the processes of rare-metal magmatism. It
should be noted without a detailed discussion of the reason for this
phenomenon that it undoubtedly deals with rapid rise of the melt
which is rich in volatile components at shallow depths. Probably, the
main factor of magmatic superpressure in the case of the Severniy
pluton is a closed character of the system resulted in a tabular
character of intrusion of fluid-rich melts in combination with high
strength and insignificant permeability of surrounding biotite
One of the
petrological results of high-pressure conditions of lithium- fluoric
granites crystallization was volumetric fluid filtration in the roof
rocks of the pluton which set conditions for wide development of low
albitization and greisenization and changed initial composition and
appearance of biotite granites (Alekseev, 2005). Metallogenic
consequence of this was a dispersion of greisen ore mineralization
and absence of the mineral
occurrences of corresponding formation
the Severniy massif. Taking into consideration a shallow depth and
high pressure of magma crystallization it is possible to have a
chance to find such deposits as explosive ore-bearing breccia in the
Chaun-Chukot region.
temperature and pressure in the rare-metal granitic system were
determined quantitatively for the first time for the Central Chukot.
Regular pressure increase and fluid superpressure phenomenon during
the crystallization of the Severniy lithium- fluoric granites were
established. The assumption about the possibility to apply
V.S. Sobolev-N.L. Dobretsov’s ideas about
superpressure to the process of rare-metal magmatism was made.
Alekseev V.I. About origin of the
North massif lithium-fluorine granites (Chukot) (2005) // West. PMO.
N6. p.19-30. (in
Alekseev V.I. Thermobarric conditions
of the North massif granite crystallization (Chukot) by data of
studying the feldspars (2008) // Scientific transactions of West
Mining Institute. V.174
(in press)
Kamentsev I.E., Sorokin N.D. (1990)
Estimate of the colling rate by results alkaline feldspar studies //
Miner. Journal. N6.
p.25-35. (in Russian)
Kovalenko V.I. (1987) Granitoid ore
forming systems // Endogenic sources of ore substance. M.
Nauka. P.59-80. (in