Gaskov I.V.,
Borisenko A.S., Babich V.V.
of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia,
Both the data on isotope
geochemistry and geochronology of rocks and geological data on the
gap in the processes of ore genesis obtained in recent decades
allowed to get evidence of greater time span in formation of ore
deposits as previously thought (Rundquist, 1997). This fact may also
be referred to the formation of gold mineralization at many
copper-skarn deposits at the Altai-Sayan fold area (ASFA).
copper-skarn deposits of the ASFA occur rather widely in many ore
regions: Gorny Altai (Sinyukhinskoe, Murzinskoe, Choiskoe), Kuznetsky
Alatau (Natalievskoe, Fedorovskoe), Gornaya Shoriya
(Maisko-Lebedskoe), and Tuva (Tardan, Khopto). Most of the deposits
are of economical value. Skarn-forming processes in these deposits
are related to formation of the Low- and Middle Paleozoic
gabbro-diorite-plagiogranite magmatism of various composition - the
Tannuol, Yugalin (Sinyukha), and Ust-Belov intrusive complexes
(Shokal’sky et al., 2000). Formation of gold mineralization has
more intricate and prolonged character as compared to skarn process.
Gold mineralization in many deposits is represented by products of
multistage ore process that differ in mineral composition and spatial
position. Two types of gold mineralization are distinguished in these
deposits: the first type is spatially and genetically associated with
skarn and aposkarn formations (gold, magnetite, pyrite, chalcopyrite,
bornite, and chalcosine), while the second one
is spatially isolated from skarns and represented by middle- and
low-temperature association of sulfides and tellurides (gold,
cinnabar HgS, aikinite CuPbBiS3,
emplectite CuBiS2,
polybasite Ag16Sb2S11,
tetradimite Bi2Te2S,
ingodite Bi2TeS,
hessite Ag2Te,
heidleite Bi2T
and others). This mineralization is generally developed along the
crush zones of rocks being various by composition, including
sedimentary, magmatic, and skarn ones.
the contribution of every stage into the formation of the commercial
gold-ore mineralization is different at various deposits. Some
deposits (Sinyukhinskoe)
are dominated by the development of the early high-temperature
formations, while other deposits (Choiskoe)
are characterized by the late low-temperature mineral associations,
and at the third ones (Tardan, Murzinskoe)
of wide occurrence are the early and late auriferous ores.
available age determinations of the Tardan and Murzinskoe
deposits provide insight into the understanding the sequence of their
formation ande duration of ore formation.
mineralization in the Tardan deposit has formed at the contact of
diorites and carbonate rocks due to intrusion of the Kopto-Baisyut
massif. The age determination of the massif using Ar-Ar dating of
biotite yielded ages of 485,74,4
Ma corresponding to Lower Ordovician. Of similar ages are skarns,
magnetite ores, and post-skarn hydrothermal gold-sulfide
mineralization (pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotine, bornite, gold)
spatially and genetically related to skarn-magnetite bodies. The
high-fineness gold (820-990‰) with elevated copper impurity
deposited in this stage. The intrusion of dike and stock-like small
bodies of granitoids took place after the formation of skarn and
post-skarn mineralizations as evidenced by their Ar-Ar dating. The
age of granite dikes is 484,24,3
The next
stage of mineralization occurred with significant gap from skarn
process. Gold-sulfide mineralization deposited in the linear tectonic
crush zones superimposed on all types of skarns and magmatic rocks.
Within these zones along with gold-sulfide mineralization, there
formed a wide range of metasomatites (beresites, propylites,
argillizites, etc.). The Ar-Ar dating of sericite in ore-bearing
quartz of beresites yielded ages of 4816,1
Ma. The gold fineness of this stage varies greatly from 440 to 820‰.
Gold contains Ag (8-45%) and Hg- (0,3-3,65%) as admixtures.
mineralization at the Murzinskoe deposit has formed on the contact of
granodiorite body related to the Ust-Belov gabbro-diorite-granite
complex. U-Pb dating indicates the age of the Ust- Belov massif as
364 8
Ma (Shokal'sky et al., 2000). The age of skarn and aposkarn
gold-copper mineralization is close to this value. Deposition of
hydrothermal veinlet-impregnated sulfide mineralization
(chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite, sphalerite, gold) was accompanied by
the development of middle temperature metasomatic minerals -
chlorite, actinolite, epidote, quartz as well as thick and extended
zones of quartz-tourmaline metasomatites.
After the
deposition of hydrothermal-metasomatic formations within the system
of steeply dipping sublatitudinal fractures, the intrusion of diabase
dikes and diabase porphyrites cutting these earlier formations takes
place. The mineralized zones of crush with quartz-carbonate veins and
low-temperature gold-telluride-sulfide mineralization form in the
final stage of endogenous ore process. This mineralization was
accompanied by low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of host rocks
(argillization, adularization, propylitization). The age of this late
gold mineralization by Ar-Ar dating of sericite from quartz-carbonate
gold-ore veins with sulfides equaled 3588
Thus, the
data on the Tardan and Murzinskoe gold-skarn deposits suggest that
formation of economical gold mineralization had a great time span
(5-6 Ma) and proceeded in step-by-step manner. This fact is in good
agreement with the development of compositionally complex ore-bearing
magmatic complexes. The three complexes (Tannuole, Ust-Belov, and
Yugalin (Sinyukha)) are characterized by differentiated rock series
starting from gabbro and ending by granites. The specific feature of
these magmatic formations is the increase in total alkalinity, in
particular, potassium content with the increasing rock acidity.
Plagiogranites are widespread acid formations in these complexes. We
conclude that there is a distinct relationship between the formation
of skarn type gold mineralization and complexes characterized by
complex history of mantle-crust development and differed by elevated
alkalinity of acid phases.
D.V. Rundquist.
Time factor during the formation of hydrothermal deposits: periods,
epochs, and stages of ore formation//
Geology of Ore Deposits. 1997. vol. 39, N1, P.11-24.
S.P. Shokalsky, G.A. Babin, A.G.Vladimirov, S.M.
Borisov. Correlation of magmatic and metamorphic complexes in the
Altai-Sayan Fold Area. Novosibirsk, 2000, 187p.