Zaraisky G.P.*, Aksyuk A.M.*, Chevychelov V.Yu.*, Udoratina O.V.**
of Experimental Mineralogy RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia,
**Institute of Geology of
Komi SC UrD RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia,
is known that only multiphase granite plutons are ore bearing for
rare-metal mineralization. The typical Kukulbey complex of rare-metal
granite of the East Transbaikalia (J3)
is, in own way, unique on the achieved depth of fractionation of
parent granite melt with display of phases of granite intrusions and
them vein derivatives. Biotite granite of the 1-st phase is barren.
With leucogranites of the 2-nd phase are connected the greisen Sn-W
deposits (Spokoinoe, etc.). Final dome-shaped stocks of amazonite
Li-F granite of the 3-rd phase contains in the top part of ones the
Ta deposits of an "apogranite" type: Orlovka, Etyka,
Achikan. All granite rocks of the complex are close on absolute age
142 ± 0.6 million years (Kostitsyn, et al, 2000).

Fig. 1.
Trend of granitoid differentiation of the Kukulbey and Shakhtama
complexes on the Zr/Hf-SiO2-diagram.
1 – the upper lcrust; 2-8 – the Kukulbey complex: 2 –
biotite granite, 3 – muscovite granite, 4
– Li-F granite of Ta deposits,
5 - Li-F granite of the Turga stocks, 6 – ongonite, 7 –
elvane, 8 – chamber pegmatite, 9 – the Shakhtama granite
and granodiorites.
In the
Kukulbey granite complex the standard trend of crystal
differentiation is poorly developed, because
of the primary subeutectic composition. An appreciable increase of
is impossible for these rocks only due to loss of femic and calcium
components during melt crystallization. Their crystallization occurs
in a subeutectic mode, therefore on the Zr/Hf – SiO2
diagram, offered by us (Zaraisky, etc., 2000), the trend of the
Kukulbey granite differentiation has subvertical orientation almost
perpendicular to a trend of rocks of the Shakhtoma complex (Fig. 1).
According to regular reduction of the Zr/Hf ratio in the rocks from
40 up to 2, the severe sequence of crystal fractionation is
established: biotite and two-mica granites → muscovite
leucogranite of the Spokoinoe, etc. deposits → amazonite Li-F
granite of the Orlovka and Etyka deposits. The continuity of the
trend confirms genetic unity of all granite rocks of Kukulbey complex
and formation of leucogranite of the 2-nd phase and the Li-F granite
of the 3-rd phase as result by crystal fractionation of melt of the
parent biotite granite of the 1-st phase. Figurative points of
oreless amazonite granite of the Turga stocks, ongonite, elvane, and
pegmatite get in area between muscovite and Li-F granite. The role of
the total Zr/Hf ratio in rocks as indicator of a fractionation index
is caused by the stronger affinity of Hf to granite melt, than Zr-
which leaves from melt together with zircon.

of Ta and Nb in granitoids of the Kukulbey and Shakhtoma complexes
during fractionation process.

Two levels of W, Sn, Be, and Mo concentrating in granitois of the
Kukulbey complex.
All granites of the Kukulbey complex are
strongly enriched by Rb, Li, Cs, Be, Sn, W, Mo, Ta, Nb, Bi, and
fluorine and are impoverished by Mg, Са,
Fe, Ti, Р,
Sr, Ba V, Co, Ni, Сr, Zr, REE, Y. Thus from early phases of intrusion
to later phases the degree of enrichment and pauperization by the
specified elements consistently and continuously accrues, providing
an opportunity of rare metal formation of the W, Sn, Be, Mo, Ta, Nb,
Li deposits (Fig. 2 and 3). With reduction of the Zr/Hf ratio below
10 the contents of rare elements grows by exponentially. The greisen
deposits of the W, Sn, Be, Mo elements are formed by hydrothermal
process of the water fluid separatedfrom granite melt at stage of
fractionation up to a level of the leucogranite and Li-F-granite
(Zr/Hf from 25 up to 10). However Ta and Nb, because of very high
affinity to melt, cannot proceed in a water fluid and crystallize as
an accessory Ta-Nb-mineral from melt of final differentiators of the
Li-F granite (Zr/Hf ratio from 5 up to 2). But formation of tantalum
deposits in granite demands an additional concentration for the
account of Ta and Nb redeposition by fluoride-water fluids at
albitization and greisenization of rocks in the top part of
Li-F-granite domes (Zaraisky, et al., 2008).
The work was supported by RFBR
projects: 08-05-00835, 08-05-00865 and project SS-3763.2008.5 “Leader
Scientific Schools”
Zaraisky G.P.,
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of its differentiation // Proceeding of the II Russian petrographic
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Zaraisky G.P.,
Aksyuk A.M., Chevychelov V.Yu., Korzhinskaya V.S., Kotova N.P.
Borodulin G.P., Udoratina O.V. Physical-chemical genetic model of
tantalum deposits related to LiF granite // Proceeding of Scientific
Conference devoted 100-age of acad. Chukhrov. M.: IGEM RAS, 2008,
P.74-77 (in Russian)
Yu.A., Zaraisky G.P., Aksyuk A.M., Chevychelov V.Yu. Rb-Sr isotope
evidence of genetic unity of biotite and Li-F granites as an
illustration of the Spokoinoe, Orlovka, and Etyka deposits //
Gekhimiya, No 9. 2004, P.940-948 (in Russian)