Romanovskii N.P.
A. Kosygin Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics FEB RAS,
Khabarovsk, Russia,
granitoids and comagmatic volcanic rocks are exceedingly widespread
in the outer (continental) part of the Pacific Ore Belt (POB). Under
granitoids we imply the rocks ranging from quartz diorites to
leucocratic granites and their alkaline varieties. They are
represented either by prominent massifs (batholiths) or small-size
stocks and dykes. Extensiveness of manifestation of granitoid
magmatism is shown in Fig. 1 by areas where intrusions are not
subdivided according to the composition and age. Quantitative data
are derived from the Geological Map (1973) providing 2000 elementary
cells of 1ох1о
size for the Asian segment of the belt and 1400 cells for the
American one. Each area location is bordered by an isoline showing
the granitoid concentration as high as 5%.
Development of endogenic mineralization associated with
granitoid magmatism is notable
polycyclicity. Different authors distinguish from 3 to 7 epochs of
intense ore formation. The major of these are Triassic - Early
Jurassic, Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous –
Paleogene and Neogene. Characteristic metals are represented by tin
and tungsten (lithophile type), gold, silver, copper, molybdenum and
polymetals (chalcophile type). The analysis of a complicated set of
granitoid ore-magmatic systems (OMS) at different taxonomic levels
shows that no less than 80% of the ore objects are attributable to
the areas of Mesozoic-Cenozoic granitoid magmatism (Fig. 1 and 2).

Fig. 1.
Areas of Mesozoic-Cenozoic granitoids of the Pacific Ore Belt.
1 – borders of
areas with granitoid concentration of more than 5%; 2 – POB
boundaries; 3 – subduction zones; 4 – relief
of the Earth’s core – lower mantle boundary (km).
of the formation of OMS attributed
to POB for the taxons of the planetary (segments of the belt) and
super regional (metallogenic provinces) classes differs from those
for the regional classes (metallogenic zones, ore regions). In the
first case these are relations of oversubduction type, the
transform, active or passive continental margins, more rarely those
of the collisional type. In the second case, geodynamic environments
of the collisional, intraplate, island-arc, oversubduction and
active continental margin types are more often displayed
(Geodynamics…, 2006).
OMS are formed at the intracrustal level and, as a rule, possess
deep mantle-asthenosphere roots with increased tectonic and energy
activity. In opinion of the authors (Dobretsov et al., 2001), in
this situation mantle plumes play a significant role, originating at
three levels of the geosphere: the upper mantle, the lower-upper
mantle boundary, and the Earth’s core - lower mantle boundary.
Probably, the plumes appearing at the Earth’s core - lower
mantle boundary are of prime importance. “Bulges” at the
surface of this boundary attain to 10-20 km high and can serve as
sources of detachment of light volatile components of the liquid
Earth’s core with their further transfer
and transformation at higher levels of the geosphere.
1 and 2 show the positive anomaly of the Earth’s core –
lower mantle boundary (Morelli,
Dziewonski, 1990). The marginal parts of the anomaly behave as if
“diving” beneath the Asian and American segments of the
belt, “pushing” them away from one another. It is not
expelled that it is just within the bounds of this anomaly that more
local and contrasting bulges appeared
at the
surface of the liquid Earth’s core. They could be responsible
for the formation of deep plume systems including the most prominent
of the known plumes – the Pacific one (Dobretsov et al.,

Fig. 2.
Sketch-map of metallogenic zone locations (Radkevich, 1977) of the
granitoid ore-magmatic systems of the Pacific Belt (Romanovskii ,
1.Boundaries of the
Pacific Ore Belt; 2. Ore-magmatic systems: I – Chukotka, II –
Yano-Kolyma, III – Amur, IV – East China, V –
Mekong, VI – Malaysia, VII – East Australia, VIII –
Canada-Alaska, IX – Central America, X - Peru-Columbia, XI –
Chile-Bolivia; 3-4. Metallogenic zones: lithophile type (3),
chalcophile type (4), 5 – relief of the Earth’s core –
lower mantle boundary (km).
characteristics of the Asian and American segments of POB are
different in a number of cases. The OMS of the Asian segment are
noted for the attributiveness to mount ranges with different
orientation and average heights reaching 1-1.5 km and the maximum
ones attaining to 3-5 km. They are
more often observed
as isometric regional minima of the Bouguer anomalies; a depth of
the lower boundaries of such unconsolidation zones is 20-85 km. A
minimum VP
value at the Moho boundary is 7.8-8.0 km/s. Petromagnetic
characteristic and the oxidation coefficient of iron differ sharply
from area to area. The ilmenite rocks predominate in the OMS.
Morphology of the super regional OMS is more often of the central
the OMS of the American segment it is typical their attributiveness
to the major Andean and Cordilleras orogenic systems and the
controlling influence of the extended Bouguer minima. A depth of the
lower boundaries in the unconsolidation zones reaches 160-500 km.
Minimum VP
values at the Moho boundary are 4.7-7.8 km/s. The lower boundaries
of the granitoid batholiths attain to 15-17 km. The petromagnetic
characteristics and oxidation coefficient are more often stably
high. The magnetite rocks predominate in the OMS. Morphology of the
super regional OMS is more often of the linear type.
is suggested that this is related to more intense release of deep
stresses concentrated in the narrow (100-200 km) Pacific and
American mega structures junction zone, as compared to a wider
(600-1500 km) Pacific and Asian mega structures junction zone. It is
not excluded that due to rotational character of mobility of
megablocks the compressional regimes were predominant in the
American segment of the belt and the extensional ones – in the
Asian segment of the belt.
Dobretsov N.L., Kirdyuashkin A.G., Kirdyuashkin A.A.
Deep Geodynamics // Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2001. 406p. (in Russian).
Geodynamics, magmatism
and metallogeny of the East of Russia // Vladivostok: Dalnauka,
2006. Book 1. P. 230-500. (in Russian).
Geological Map of the Pacific Mobile Belt and the
Pacific Ocean // L.: Mingeo SSSR, 1973. 9 sheets. (in Russian).
Morelli A., Dziewonski
A. Harmonic decomposition method in the study of the deep structure
of the Earth // Seismic Tomography. M.: 1990. P.264-285. (Russian
Radkevich E.A. Metallogenic provinces of the Pacific
Ore Belt // M.: Nauka, 1977. 176p. (in Russian).
Romanovskii N.P.
Pacific segment of the Earth: deep structure, granitoid ore-magmatic
systems // Khabarovsk: DVO RAN, 1999. 166p.