Tararin I.A.
Far East Geological
Institute FED RAS, Vladivostok, Russia,
possibility of granitization of mafic and ultramafic rocks by the
highly mineralized mantle fluids to produce of granitoids was
theoretically justified by D.S. Korzhinsky (1952) and supported by
numerous experimental researches (Zharikov, 1987; Zharikov et al.,
1990; Gramenitskii, Larin, 1996; Marakushev, 1987; Sisson et al.,
2005). According to these ideas, granitization of the mafic basement
results from its replacement under the action of mantle fluids of
the undercrust origin arisen through the mantle degassing process.
The magmatic replacement presupposes that the granite formation and
final melting of the primary rocks are preceded by their metasomatic
alterations by alkaline-silicic fluids along with debasification and
“clarification” going in parallel with increasing
partial melting (formation of banded and shady migmatites).
of granitization and magmatic replacement of mafic volcanites
manifest themselves widely in the contact aureole of the Yurchiksky
gabbro-norite intrusion of the Ganal Ridge in Kamchatka. This
intrusive injected the sedimentary-volcanic rocks of the Ganalskaya
series and represents a phacolithic body extends in outcrops for
about 22 km. The greatest thickness of the intrusion is fixed above
its northern part where a little thickness of the country rock “cap”
of the Vakhtalkinskaya strata of the Ganalskaya series, injected by
the gabbronorite small bodies, is responsible for intensive
high-temperature processes of hornfels development accompanied by
metasomatic alteration and magmatic replacement (with debasification
and granitization) of the initial deposits.
Vakhtalkinskaya strata 800-900 m thick is composed of mafic
volcanites (similar in composition to the back-arc basalts)
metamorphosed into amphibolites and clinopyroxene-amphibole schists
containing the boudinaged beds of garnet-biotite ± cordierite
plagiogneisses from the first to 20-50 m thick, silicic (dacitic)
metavolcanites, and more rarely quartzites and marbles. In the inner
parts of the contact aureole, the mafic volcanites were
metamorphosed into amphibole, clinopyroxene-amphibole, and
two-pyroxene-amphibole hornfels composed of the magnesio-hornblende
or ferroan pargasite (XMg=0.60-0.67),
plagioclase (XAn=0.80-0.45),
clinopyroxene (XMg=0.68-0.77),
and more rarely orthopyroxene (XMg=0.70-0.72).
Maximal temperature of the contact metamorphism reached 800oC.
the local areas, fluids metasomatize the amphibole,
clinopyroxene-amphibole, and two-pyroxene-amphibole hornfels to
produce the replacement of the hornblende crystals by orthopyroxene
more rarely XMg=0.45-0.56)
associated with plagioclase (XAn=
0.35-0.50), and variable amount of biotite (XMg=0.45-0.70),
apatite, and Fe-Ti-oxides. Further increasing intensity of the
metasomatic processes resulted in complete replacement of amphibole
and pyroxene-amphibole parageneses of hornfels by the
biotite-orthopyroxene-plagioclase association of fine- and
thin-grained metasomatites and appearance in them of thin
leucocratic migmatite veinlets, lenses, and segregations of
biotite-orthopyroxene-plagioclase±garnet composition
characterized by hypidiomorphic-grained magmatic structures and
coarser (1-2 and more millimeters) crystals of minerals.
Characteristic of metasomatites and migmatite veinlets and
segregations is the enhanced content of apatite.
alteration of hornfels accompanied by the magmatic replacement
results in their intensive debasification manifested in increasing
role of leucocratic minerals (mainly plagioclase) in the newly
formed parageneses at the expense of dark-colored minerals.
Simultaneously, the plagioclase feldspar became more sodic, and iron
content of dark-colored minerals increase and, to a lesser degree,
alumina content of orthopyroxene (reaching maximal values in garnet
enderbites) increase.
intensification of the metasomatic processes and magmatic
replacement of hornfels results in the formation in metasomatites of
thin veinlets of garnet enderbites whose parageneses, besides
orthopyroxene, biotite, and plagioclase contain quartz, cordierite,
garnet, and more rarely potash feldspar. Large bodies of garnet
enderbites and plagiogneisses, replacing the garnet enderbites with
distance from the contacts of the Yurchiksky intrusion, are formed
through the magmatic replacement of the boudinaged beds of the
sedimentary rocks alternating with mafic volcanites hosted by the
Vakhtalkinskaya strata. These processes answer the temperature of
and pressure of 3.2-4.8 kbar.
of the chemical composition of the initial mafic volcanites and
their metamorphic products testifies that the metasomatic
alterations and magmatic replacement correspond in chemistry to the
silicic-alkaline metasomatosis (granitization) and are responsible
for the successive and irregular supply of SiO2,
Rb, Ba, Zr, Nb, and Cl into the rocks being replaced and removal of
iron, magnesium, calcium, and some trace components – Cr, Co,
Ti, Y, and S.
is suggested that the metamorphic processes and magmatic replacement
responsible for granitization of the initial mafic volcanites of the
Vakhtalkinskaya strata in the contact aureole of the Yurchiksky
gabbro-norite intrusion took place under the action of highly
mineralized mantle fluids filtered through the magmatic channels
along which the gabbroid magma ascended.
Gramenitsky E.N., Lukin
P.V. Approaches to experimental modeling of magmatic replacement //
Vestnik Moskovskogo
Universiteta (Bulletin of Moscow University). Series 4. Geology.
1996. No 4. P.16-26.
Korzhinsky D.S. Granitization as magmatic replacement
// Izvestiya AN SSSR (Proceedings of the USSR Acad. Sci.). 1952. No
2. P.56-69.
Marakushev A.A.
Magmatic replacement and its petrogenetic role // Essays of physical
and chemical petrology.
Sisson T.W., Ratajeski K., Hawkins W.B., and Glazner
A.F. Voluminous granitic magmas from common basaltic sources //
Contrib. Miner. Petrol., 2005. V. 148. No 6. P.635-661.
Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta (Bulletin of Moscow
University). Series 4. Geology. 1996. No 4. P. 16-26.
V.A. Zharikov (ed.). Part 14. Moscow: Nauka. 1987.
Zharikov V.A. Problems
of granite formation // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta (Bulletin
of Moscow University). Series 4. Geology. 1987. No 6. P.3-14.
Zharikov V.A.,
Epel’baum M.B., Bogolepov M.V. Experimental study of the
feasibility of granitization under the action of deep-seated fluid
// Doklady AN SSSR (Reports of the USSR Acad. Sci.). 1990.
311. No
2. P.462-465.