Kholodnov V.V.
of Geology and Geochemistry of UrB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia,
rift structures of the mobile belts of the Earth granitoids of
different specification have different compositions and origin.
Together with the products of mantle magmas as the contrast
differentiated gabbro-granitic series the products of a selective
melting of earth crust are wide-spreaded.
the Riphean period a riftogene history of the Urals consisted of the
distruction stages of the Eastern European platform. At the
beginning of the Middle Riphean the Kuvashsko-Mashakskaya rift
system consisting of the linear grabens’ series was formed.
Together with the products of contrast basalt-rhyolitic volcanism
and dikes’ forming in the Northern Kuvashskii graben along the
large Zyuratkulskii fault the the gabbroid intrusions (Matkalskii,
Kopanskii, Medvedevskii and Kusinskii massifs) and granitoids
(Ryabinovskii and Gubenskii massifs) consisting the
Kusinsko-Kopanskii complex which are comagmatic earlier volcanites
have been formed as a long (nearly 70 km) submeridional chain.
time formation of gabbro intrusions of the Kusinsko-Kopanskii
complex is 1385-1400 MA (Kholodnov et al., 2006; Krasnobaev et al.,
2006) according to data of isotopic methods (Sm-Nd, U-Pb, Rb-Sr). A
similar U-Pb age zircons of granites of the Ryabinovskii massif have
confirming the conclusions about genetic relationship of the
granites of this massif with gabbroids. According to U-Pb method of
isotopic dating of zicons the history of the Gubenskii massif
formation is appeared to be more complicated (Krasnobaev et al.,
2006). At the final stage (1300 MA) the processes of metamorphism
and hydrous anatexis played an essential role. These data also show
to geterogeneity of substratum of this massif which consists of not
only products of the Middle Riphean volcanism but also of more
ancient rocks (Archean granulite, terrigene formations and Early
Riphean volcanites). A source of Archean zircons could be
metamorphic rocks and granitoids of the Taratashskii complex
situated to the North from the Gubenskii massif on which with
erosion and angular unconformity volcano-sedimentary series of the
Early Riphean occur. At the same time the main petrochemical and
geochemical peculiarities of the Gubenskii granites correspond to
the Ryabinovskii ones. The rocks of these massifs are characterized
by high ferruginousness and enriched by Ti. According to Rb and Sr
relation they correspond to the products of tholeiitic magma. In
them a content of high charge rare elements Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Y, Yb is
higher. Such geochemical specification reflects a geodynamic regime
different from subduction and collision environments under which a
mass Paleozoic granite formation has take place. At the different
diagrams offered to geodynamic interpretation of geochemical data
granitoids of these massifs get into the field of the intraplate
characteristic feature of gabbro and granitoid massifs of the
Kusinsko-Kopanskii complex is their forming under the sharply
changing conditions of depth facies of the Kuvashskii graben’s
succession: from small deep-seated hypabyssal no the South
(Kopanskii and Matkalskii gabbro massifs, Ryabinovskii granite
to abyssal on the North (Kusinskii gabbro and Gubenskii granite
massifs) and fluid regimes (water and halogens). This is reflected
in the peculiarities of mineral composition and forming conditions
of intrusive rocks (gabbroids and granitoids) and
Fe-Ti-mineralization: from high-Ti magnetites (up to 15% TiO2)
in magnetite-ilmenite ores in the South to low-Ti magnetites (1-6%
in magnetite-ilmenite ores – in the North (Fershtater et al.,
2001; Kholodnov et al., 2006). Correspondingly the southern
Ryabinovskii massif stretched in submeridional direction of more
than 50 km under its thickness of 1 km formed from hypabyssal (0,5-1
kbar) conditions in the South to mezoabyssal (3-4 kbar) conditions
in the North in Medvedevskii massif’s region. To the Gubenskii
massif is shown a duration of depth facies’ evolution from
nearly mezoabyssal at the latitude of the Medvedevskii massif to
abyssal – at the latitude of the Kusinskii massif where
pressure during its formation was increasing to 8-10 kbar. In this
direction an evolution of volatile regime – from low hydrous
at the South to essentially hydrous – at the North with a
different activity of halogens (F and Cl).
of the Ryabinovskii massif situated at the latitude of the
Medvedevskii massif have some petrographic differences from granites
of its southern part. Here the rocks become more coarse-grained,
microcline, Ca-garnet and phengite are appeared, stilpnomelane and
albite characterizing the granites of the southern part are
disappeared. Amphibole is presented by hastingsite which is
different from ferroedenite of the southern part by a high content
of Al. To fine-grained hypabyssal granites of the southern part an
interstitial micropegmatite containing of 40 vol% of quartz,
porphyric structures, rimed feldspars, fluorite, high-Ti magnetite
are characteristic. Enriched content of Cl (about 0,3%) in apatite
and silicates (amphibole and biotite) with even distribution among
them shows to crystallization under the conditions of low content of
water in melt.
main petrographic features of granites of the more abyssal Gubenskii
pluton are their fine-middle-grained gneissous texture, granulose
structure. Biotite-amphibole, biotite and double-mica kinds of rocks
are distinguished. Their mineral composition is plagioclase
(albite-oligoclase, oligoclase), microcline, amphibole, biotite,
muscovite (phengite), garnet. Accessories are: zircon, orthite with
epidote rims, sphene, fluorite, low-Ti magnetite. Amphibole
(hastingsite) is characterized by high content of Al2O3.
Biotite has a less constant ferruginousness (55-84%). Garnet is
related to grossular-spessartine-almandine type. Apatite and
silicates practically haven’t Cl. Apatite is enriched by It
PGE which is characteristic to amphibolitic facies and hydrous
granitic anatexites. Enriched content of Al2O3
sphene is shown.
Financial support of RFFR,
grant 07-05-96006-r-Urals-a