Analytical center
The staff number of analytical center in Geological Institute of SB RAS equals 21 researchers, including two doctors of science, three young specialists, one post-graduate.
Since its foundation, the Institute comprises the subdivisions that make analytical support of the research carried out. At present, these subdivisions with modern devices meet analytical requirements of both scientists of our Institute and those of other subdivisions at the Buryat research center as well as the Institutes of Irkutsk research center. Experimental base that is used by analytical laboratories allows research of substances at high level.
There are two laboratories in analytical center:
•  Laboratory of chemical-spectral methods of analysis (ChSMA).
•  Laboratory of physical methods of analysis (PhMA)
Address the heads of the laboratories and methodical groups of the center to make investigations. Contact information is on the right.
ChSMA Laboratory
head: Tsyrenova Al'bina Afanasjevna
tel. (3012) 43-67-12
e-mail: chsma@geo.stbur.ru
PhMA Laboratory
head: senior researcher Kanakin Sergei Vasiljevich
tel. (3012) 43-76-45
mail: skan_61@mail.ru
•  Isotope methods
senior researcher Posokhov Viktor Feodorovich
tel. (3012) 43-76-45
e-mail: vitaf1@yandex.ru
•  XRF method
Doctor of technical sciences Zhalsaraev Batobolot Zhalsaraevich
tel. (3012) 43-76-45
e-mail: bzh@geo.stbur.ru
•  SEM and EPMA techniques
senior researcher Kanakin Sergei Vasiljevich
tel. (3012) 43-76-45
mail: skan_61@mail.ru