Russian Academy of Sciences
Geological Institute
(670047, Russia, Ulan-Ude, 6a, Sakhyanova)
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•  Evolution of tectonic structures, magmatism and ore formation in various geodynamic settings of fold belts
•  Geoecology of Baikal region
    - Study of structure, history of development and matter composition of earth crust on terrotory
      of Buryatia and Chita region by geological, geophysical and geochemical methods.
    - Study of conditions of formations and regularities of location of the most valuable mineral raw
      materials deposits in these regions.
    - Prospecting methods of mineral deposits, geological mapping and substance analysis.
    - Seismology and seismoprognosis of Baikal rift.
    - Ecology and ridioecology of natural water and deposits.
    - Numeral and experimental modelling of natural processes.

Major scientific research of GI SB RAS is:
  • Active (vibroseismic) and passive (seismological, atmogeochemical) monitoring of stress-strain state in Baikal Rift.
  • Formation and evolution of high metal-bearing (near 0,1 m) solutions for rich large-scale mineralization.
  • Conditions of rare-earth mineralization formation in endogenic carbonate and carbonate-containing rocks of regional fault zones.
  • Conditions of anorogenic granitoid series syenite magma (A-type granitoids) formation.
  • Petrogenetical model of low sulfide platinum-metal mineralization formation.
  • Paleontology of small mammals in Transbaikalia and Prebaikalia.
International Projects:
  • International project IGCP 411 "Geodynamics of Gondwanna - formation of terranes in East Asia: their crust evolution and potential of natural resources" together with scientists from Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, Malaisia, etc. Within this project, the paper "Geodynamic evolution of the Central-Asian and Mongol-Okhotsk fold belts and formation of the endogenic deposits"has been published in "Geosciences Journal" V.5, №3, 2001 (Seoul, Korea) (responsible performer Gordienko I.V.) 2001.
  • International project on terrane analysis, geodynamics and metallogeny of North, Central and east Asia, carried out together with geologists from Russia, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan and USA. Tectono-stratigraphic columns (sections) of Transbaikalian terranes have been constructed on the project (responsible performers Gordienko I.V..,Bulgatov A.N.) 2001-2002.
  • Russian-Holland project "Evolution of mammal fauna and flora of West, Central and East Europe in Pleistocene-Holocene" (Russian-Dutch Research Cooperation 2000, NOW - grant). The set of data on some temporary intervals of the Pleistocene for their further use during development of aureole maps (responsible performer Alexeeva N.V.) 2001-2004.
  • Participation in Austrian-Mongolian project "FWF - Project "Mongolei" P - 10505 - GEO". The pika morphological-systematic studies of Valley of Lakes have been carried out, new forms for Mongolian fauna revealed previously described in area of Inner Mongolia of China, species composition of Mongolian Late Oligocene-Miocene fauna added (responsible performer Erbaeva М.А.) 1999-2007.
  • RussianMongolian project "Perspective estimate of precious metal mineralization of new and non-traditional types in Mongolia". Within the project, field studies have been carried out. In North-Estern part of Mongolia, the sampling for gold and platinoids of blackschist deposits PZ1-2 and ultrabasites of Pogranichny massif performed. New occurrences of the Balei and Lyubavin type occurrences, perspective areas for discovery of gold placers revealed and recommendations for further studies in the region presented (responsible performer Mironov A.G.) 2001.
  • International project Baikal Explosion Seismic Transects (BEST) together with Geological Institute of Copenhagen university; Institute of Geophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences, Geophysical service of SB RAS, Institute of Geophysics SB RAS. The observations by technique of deep seismic sounding have been made, detailed study of wave field of vibrator ЦВО-100 along two profiles "White lake-Babushkin-Cheremkhovo" and "Kyren-Slyudyanka-Babushkin" done (responsible performer Tatjkov G.I.) 2002-2003.
  • International project on "Reconstruction of Central Asian tectonic structures by paleomagnite data" together with scientists of California university (USA) and Paleomagnite Center of the Institute of Geology SB RAS (Novosibirsk town) (responsible performer Gordienko I.V.) 2002.
  • International project on UNESCO program IGCP-480 -"Structural and Tectonic Correlation across the Central Asia Orogenic Collage: Implications for Continental Growth and Intracontinental Deformation" (responsible performer Gordienko I.V.) 2005-2008.
  • International project "Geology and petrology of the Paleozoic island arc and intracontinental (rifrogenic) magmatic complexes in the Uda-Vitim zone of caledonides and Selenga-Vitim volcano-plutonic belt" together with Institute of mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of Munich university (Germany). The isotope-geochronological dating of granitoid massifs and volcanite fields in the Uda-Vitim island arc system of Transbaikalia has been carried out (responsible performer Gordienko I.V.) 2005-2008.
International Grants:
  • Grant of INCO-COPERNICUS Fund of European Commission "Isotopes of lead and contamination by heavy metals - complex study of ground water resource threat". The extent of soil various horizon contamination has been revealed. The formation of heavy metal various form presence in soils that depend on mineral composition of soils, content of organic matter, rate of solution filtration, gas and chemical composition of soil waters has been established. The pattern of lead presence forms of distribution in soil sections of Moldova and Russia (Buryatia, Chech has been shown (responsible performer Plyusnin A.M.) 1999-2001.
  • Grant INTAS 97-1040 "Formation of ecological monitoring regional system in Lake Baikal basin" together with Geophysical service of SB RAS, Institute of Geophysics of SB RAS and Geological Institute of Copenhagen university. The on-ground study of potentially active dislocations deciphered in cosmoimages of optical and radiowave ranges has been carried out for key sites of Barguzin polygon. On the Kudara polygon, a cycle of regime observations of local seismicity has been made by a set of digital seismic registrators (responsible performer Tatjkov G.I.) 2001-2003.
  • Grant of British Royal scientific society 435539724 2004/R4-EF "Transbaikalia carbonatites: carbonate and graphite from the mantle", together with Department of mineralogy of British Natural History Museum, London. Based on the presented geological, petrographical, mineralogical, geochemical and isotope data included, the Late Mesozoic (Khalyuta, Arshan, Yuzhnoe) and Vend-Riphean (Pogranichnoe, Veseoloe) carbonatites of Transbaikalia are included in world cadaster of carbonatites (responsible performer DoroshkevichA.G.) 2004-2005.
  • Grant INTAS No 05-1000008-7938 "Diamond and graphite in carbonate magmas" with NIS -members from Uzbekistan, GEOCHI RAS, Moscow, IEM RAS, Chernogolovka, S.Petersburg university and INTAS-members from Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, Ireland. Study of Late Pre-Cambrian carbonatites of North Transbaikalia. The computer modeling of sulfate-carbonate-silicate lamination on example of the Khalyuta deposit and construction of genetic model have been made, processes of sulfate-carbonate lamination experimentally studied on examplr of the Khalyuta deposit; study of India and West Transbaikalia carbonatites carried out (responsible performers Ripp G.S., Doroshkevich A.G., Badmatsyrenov M.V.) 2005-2010.
  • Grant INTAS No 05-109-4141 "Conditions of formation of the carbonatites in intraplate fold fields (Transbaikalia, Central Asia)" with INTAS leaders F.Wall (The Natural History Museum, University College London) and A. Rankin (Kingston University). (responsible performer Doroshkevich A.G) 2005.
  • Grant RFBR-MNTI No 06-05-72007 "Mixture of acid and basic magmas in context of their possible genetic association: composite dikes inntraplate dike belts of South Israel and Transbaikalia (Russia)" in cooperation with university Ben-Gurion, Beer-Sheva town, Israel. Geological structure has been studied and geochemical sampling performed (isotopy C, Nd, ICP-MS analysis) of combined dikes and host granitoids of the Ust'Khilok and Shaluty quartz-syenite-granite massifs (West Transbaikalia) (responsible performer Tsygankov A.A.) 2007-2009.
  • Grant RFBR (08-05-92215ГФЕН) "Evolution of biodiversity and spread of pikas and microtines in the Pliocene in North China and Baikal region in relation to global climate change" together with the Innstitute of environment, engineering of cold and arid regions AS of China (responsible performer Erbaeva M.A.) 2009.
International Agreements:
  • Joint Russian-English-Israel program of studying the Upper Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic volcano-plutonic associations of high alkalinity in West Transbaikalia. Rb-Sr, U-Pb, Sm-Nd and Ar-Ar isotope analyses have been carried out on age determination of volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Khorinsk plutonic structure as well as five main alklaine-granitoid massifs of West Transbaikalia (responsible performer Shadaev M.G.) 2001-2003.
  • Participation in educational exchange program organized by the Pacific center on environment and natural resources (Oakland, USA) in the area of state Alyaska (USA). As a result, information on peculiarities of hydrocarbonaceous raw material mining, transport and reworking in conditions being similar to ones of East Siberia has been collected, contacts with specialists in the given field made (Kislov Eu.V.).
  • Joint studies on studying the role of fluid regime and postcumulus processes in formation of low sulfide precious metal mineralization of stratified plutons, with Texas university in Houston (USA), IEM RAS (Russia), VNII "Oceangeology" (Russia). Distribution of plagioclase,, incoherent elements (P2O5, Zr), ЭПГ, Au and gases trapped in pores and mineral inclusions along the section of the Yoko-Dovyren massif series has been studied.. It was concluded that thermodynamic evolution in conditions of the decreasing temperature resulted in formation of anorthosite horizons with precious metal low sulfide mineralization (responsible performer Orsoev D.A.) 2001-2002.
  • Scientific agreement together with Institute of chemistry and chemical technology of Mongolian AS on topic "Phosphorites of Mongolia and Buryatia". The electron microscope studies of phase transformation of phosphate minerals from phosphorites of the Khubsugul deposit during mechanical activation as well as mineralogical-petrographical and paleontological study of core material from phosphorites of the Kharanur deposit have been carried out (responsible performer Mironov A,G.) 2003.
  • International program with Institute of chemistry and chemical technology of Mongolian AS. Aim: joint studies of phosphorites and volcano-plutonic complexes of Mongolia on gold- and platinum content (responsible performer Mironov A.G.) 2003.
  • Joint studies of mineral composition and geochemical peculiarities of the Pogranichnoe and Veseoloe occurrence carbonatites in North Transbaikalia with Department of Mineralogy of Natural History Museum (London) (responsible performer Ripp G.S.) 2003.
  • Joint studies of the Pliocene-Pleistocene pikas of North China with researchers of Institute of paleotology and paleoanthropology of AS China, Bejing have been carried out. 6 new pika species have been found in China (responsible performer Erbaeva М.А.) 2004.
  • Joint studies of Paleolith fauna in Prebaikalia together with researchers of archeological laboratory at Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS and archeologists from universities of Tokyo and Sapporo (Japan) have been performed (responsible performer Khenzykhenova F.I.) 2004.
  • Joint studies on studying the seismic conditions of Baikal Rift and comparison of their parameters with various regions of the Earth together with the Institute of Geophysics SB RAS and National Institute of polar studies (Tokyo, Japan).
  • Joint studies on study of carbonatites in India and Transbaikalia together with researchers of Indian department of Science and Technology and Hamburg university (Germany) (responsible performer Ripp G.S.) 2005 - 2007.
  • Joint studies on studying the processes of differentiation at low contact of the Yoko-Dovyren laminated intrusives together with researchers of Oulu town university (Finland) (responsible performer Kislov Eu. V.) 2005.
  • Joint work with company"Zunnaiman Suvraga" (contract No 1 from 08.06.2005) and Institute of geology and mineral resources of Mongolian AS (contract No 1from 20.06.2003)on gold content study of South Mongolia (responsible performer Mironov A.G.) 2005.
  • Joint work with Institute of chemistry and chemical technology of Mongolian AS (contract No2 from 20.08.2003). Studies of phosphorite mechanochemical transformations from Burenkhan deposit of the Khubsugul basin have been performed.
  • Joint studies of postmagmatic transformation products of pyroxene scarns in troctolite-plagiodunite zone of the Yoko-Dovyren massif with IGEM RAS (Moscow), SPA "Regenerator" (Moscow), Silesian university (Sosnovets, Poland), Bern university (Switzerland). Ca-Zr-Ti mineralization with Sc was found. Tajeranite (Zr, Ti, Ca)O2, calcirtite CaZr3TiO9 and bagdadite Ca3(Zr, Ti)Si2O9, perovskite rich in zirconium and dovyrenite Ca6ZrSi4O14(OH)4 (mineral confirmed by ММА in April, 2 2007) have been revealed (responsible performers Kislov Eu.V., Orsoev D.A.) 2006 -2007.
  • Agreement on scientific cooperation with Tasmanian university (Hobart, Australia), MSU, GEOCHI RAS, IEM RAS "Nickel-platinum metal potential of basic and ultrabasic magmas - joint use of melt inclusions and numerical modeling".Combined analytical works have been performed, geochemical, geochronological and thermobarogeochemical data obtained on rocks and sulfide mineralization of the Inyaptuk-Dovyren volcano-plutonic complex (responsible performers Kislov Eu.V., Orsoev D.A) 2007- 2010.
  • Joint studies of the pikas in North Asia and North America with researchers of North Arizona university, Flagstaff town, USA and Third university of Rome, Italy. It enabled to determine time of the pika prokhorez to North America and observe evolutional development of this group in Holarctic from Miocene to Late Pleistocene (responsible performer Erbaeva М.А.) 2007.
  • Agreement on research-technical cooperation with research center of astronomy and geophysics of Mongolian Academy of Sciences (Ulan-Bator). Seismological data have been obtained for studying the deep structure and dynamics of earthquake hearths in the Selenga accommodation zone (Lake Baikal) and Central Asia (s/s Zezerleg); joint treatment of previous shows of vibromonitoring has been made to estimate possibilities of signal reception at stations of seismological net of Research center of astronomy and geophysics of Mongolian Academy of Sciences (responsible performer Tatjkov G.I.) 2007-2009.