Golubeva I.I.
of Komi Research Centre, UrB RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia,
contrasting granitoid-basite associations of hypabyssal and
subvolcanic facies formed in conditions of the Andian type active
continental margins are widely developed on the western slope of the
Urals (Golubeva 2003; Golubeva and Ilalova 2003).
The large
two-phase hypabyssal gabbro-granite Lemvinskiy pluton is particularly
prominent. Gabbroids and granites formed subsequently during
different phases of introduction. The contact is clearly intrusive
with occurrence of eruptive breccias, where granite appears to be
matrix, and fragmentary part is represented by basites. Numerous
dykes and veins of granites are observed along the extension of the
whole section in view. The massif morphologically represents
plate-like intrusion about 40 km long, dipping at ~450
the north-east that belongs to the fault, being parallel to the Main
Urals Thrust.
The gabbro is
composed by diopside (10-30%), hornfels (10-20 %), eustatite (0-10%),
plagioclase (60-70%), biotite (0-5%0 and characterized by
poikilophytic and ophitic textures. By petrochemical characteristics,
basites of the Lemvinskiy massif are highly aluminous (al' = 1.04;
11.73-24.74%) and referred to the potassium-sodium subalkaline series
= 1.5).
Granite has
hypidiomorphic- and irregular-grained texture that transforms into
porphyritic one at the endocontacts, and either micropigmatite or
granophyric texture – in the near roof apical areas. The
predominant mineral is alkaline feldspar (45-50%), the rest volume of
the rock is composed by quartz (32-37%), plagioclase (15-25%), also
biotite (1-2%) and green lepidomelane (to 5-7%). The specific mineral
is fluorite (to 1%). Albite intergrowths are observed as a rule, in
K-feldspar, their quantity reaching 50% in some cases. Mesoperthites
are originally “visiting card” of the present granites.
By petrochemical peculiarities (excess of silica and alkali at very
low contents of alkaline-earth elements, i.e. magnesium, calcium and
strontium), the described rocks are typical A-granites (Makhlaev
1996). It should be noted that participation in contrast formations
that can present volcano-plutonic series and explosive products due
to high extent of melt overheat is specific of A-granites. Rhyolites
and intrusive explosive formations are spatially and petrogenetically
associated with the Lemvinskiy granitoids. Rhyolite composes the
extensive subintrusions and dykes. They are characterized by aphyric
and porphyry structures, fluidal, banded, discontinuously banded
ignimbrite-like textures, high contents of SiO2
81.62%) and K2O
(to 10%). Fluidized-explosive coarsely fragmentary clastites
(tuffisites and ignimbrites) contain well rounded clasts that lead to
erroneous interpretation of the present rocks (Golubeva 2003). Many
researchers take them for the Ordovician psephites, considering only
ideally rounded clast contours of granite composition. The tuffisites
form blanket bodies of clothing in the eastern hanging wall of the
granite massif and diatreme. Ignimbrites like relatively thick dykes
and veins form in the shale enclosing rock and tuffisite bodies.
subvolcanic Pogureiskaya rhyodacite-melabasalt contrasting
association that occurs to the north of the described pluton
represents the fracture subvolcanic intrusion, forming the plate-like
body elongated for ~2 km from the north-west to south-east. The
basites of the association are differentiated from picro- to
melabasalts (38.96-5.68% SiO2),
moderately aluminous (al' = 0.78; Al2O3
= 15.17-19.51) and belong to the subalkaline series of the
potassium-sodium type. They have cryptocrystalline, microporphyry,
massive and sometimes amygdaloidal structures.
of rhyodacites are represented as lens-like bodies that are localized
in central part of basite intrusion. Fluidal structures and false
bedding caused by alternation of layers with clasts of acid
migmatites being of aleuro-sand, gravel and pebbled dimensionality.
Matrix is composed by microfragmental breccia and fragmented lava.
The fragments of main composition being the captured microxenoliths
of host basites often occur that indicates homodromal character of
contrasting intrusion formation. By the petrochemical
characteristics, rhyodacites belong to the potassium-sodium series
(68.52-70.57% SiO2).
The intrusive
fluidal-explosive formations of acid composition are also spatially
associated with this subintrusion (Golubeva, Makhlaev 2005).
Thus, dacites of gabbro-norite and
rhyodacite-melabasalt contrasting associations are identical in fact
by the petrochemical and geochemical characteristics (Fig.
1) that testifies to the single magma generating source of those and
other basic rocks, their common history, specificity of intrusive
body formation as well as to the similar geodynamic setting during
their formation.

Fig. 1.
Distribution of Rrare Earth Elements that are normalized to
chondrites in the contrasting associations: gabbro-granite and
melabasalt-rhyodacite (Polar Urals).
magmatites of the contrasting intrusions significantly differ by main
rock-forming elements that is explained by various composition of
initial substrates subjected to melting due to thermal effect of
basalt melt and being, additionally, at different depth levels. In
one case, the melting occurs in the granitized (granite-gneiss)
substrate that results in A-granite formation of the Lemvinskiy
pluton, and in the other one, due to the melting the paraschists,
more melanocratic melts appear that form rhyodacites of the
Pogureiskaya subintrusion.
Golubeva I.I. (2003) Magmatogenic
fluidal-explosive formations of North Urals. Ekaterinburg,
Golubeva I.I. (2003) Molyudvozhskaya
suite and problem of determining the lower structural floor of the
Lemvinskaya zone (North Urals) // Volcanism and geodynamics.
Ekaterinburg, P.624-625.
Golubeva I.I., Ilalova E.M. (2003)
Gabbros of the Lemvinskiy massif (North Urals) //Petrology and
Mineralogy of North Urals and Timan. Syktyvkar, P.38-53 (Work
collections of Geological Institute, Komi Research Centre, Urals
Branch RAS, issue 113).
Golubeva I.I., Makhlaev L.V. (2005).
Conglomerates and magmatogenic pseudoconglomerates. Ekaterinburg.
Makhlaev L.V. (1996) Granitoids of
the northern Central Urals uplift. Polar