Kazimirovsky Ì.E.
Institute of Geochemistry
after Vinogradov S.B.RAS, Irkutsk, Russia, markiz@igc.irk.ru
Three stages
of formation of anorogenic syenite-leucogranite series have been for
the first time recognized
in the Maly Khamar-Daban Range. Their products lie conjugate in the
Temnik River low stream, within the Khonzurtay syenite-leucogranite
massif, which is a polychromous formation, rather than just one
It was found
that syenites of the first
making up a larger part of the massif, represent the products of
crystallization differentiation of monzo-syenite magmas produced by
mixing up to the complete homogenization of the lower crust acid and
upper mantle basic melts. Crystallizaton of the end members resulted
in formation of: (1) fine-, medium-grained bifeldspar leucogranites
close in chemistry to À-type
and (2) differentiated series of subalkaline gabbroids of OIB-type,
at times associated with cumulative plagio-pyroxenites. Leucogranites
occur among syenitoids as subhorizontal lenses of different (to some
hundred meters) thickness with indistinct diffused contacts and occur
at different hypsometric levels (Fig.1). Gabbro, commonly
amphibolized and kalispasized, are commonly present only in the
lowermost cross-section in different proportions with leucogranites
(Kazimrovsky, 2007-à),
sometimes producing subhorizontal transitional zones, some tens
meters thick, in which the «layers» of hybrid rocks of
monzosyenite composition are alternated. The differentiation of
hybrid magmas initially resulted in crystallization of Cpyr (later
replaced by Amf and Bi) and Pl, ànd
then flotation of alkaline feldspar and accessory Sph and Zr, which
eventually brought about formation of quartz
syenites of varying alkalinity
up to purely alkaline feldspar varieties with increased contents of
K, Na, Al, Ti and HFSE and lowered Ñà,
Mg, Ba, Sr, U, Th, REE, Y, Li, Be and F (Kazimirovsky, 2007-á).
Preserved hybrid melanosyenites (kalispasized and biotized
monzosyenites) occur as irregularly shaped fragments about 100 m

Geological cross-section of the central part of Khonzurtay massif.
1 – leucocratic granites; 2, 3 – rocks of stage I: 2 –
quartz syenites; 3 – alkaline feldspar syenites; 4 –
alkaline feldspar syenites of stage II with synplutonic basite
nodules; 5 – rocks of stage III: à
– alkaline granites; b – trachydacite-porphyry dykes; 6 –
indistinct boundaries of leucogranites; 7 – supposed crossing
boundaries between syenitoids of stages I and II, I and III stages; 8
– faults zones; 9 – sampling sites.
The second
is represented by thick (300-400 m) crossing bodies of porphyry-like
quartz syenites with Amf rich in small round nodules of essentially
kalispathized Amf-Pl gabbro (Fig.1). Above that, on its northern
margin, on the left side of Temnik River more acid Cpyr-bearing
granosyenites are exposed. They show rough irregularly outlined
inclusions of the same gabbro, as well as composite granosyenite- and
alkaline granite-basite dykes, gabbro-II having a much «fresher»
petrographic look, than gabbro-I, and contain nearly not amphibolized
(Kazimirovsky, 2007-à).
Leucogranites with granosyenites -II are rarely associated and occur
as small thin lenses with diffuse contacts. As regards syenitoids of
stage II, it seems that their parent acid components were the
products of partial melting of both granite-metamorphic “frame”
and leucogranites and quartz syenites formed at the first stage.
Granosyenites-II are distinguished from the latter by the increased
K/Na ratio (Fig. 2), higher concentrations of Ê
and Rb, and low Na, Li, F, Ti, Zr, Hf and REE (Kazimirovsky, 2007-á).

2. Diagram Na2O
– K20
for rocks of Khonzurtay massif. Legend:
1 – gabbro-I; 2 – gabbrî-II;
3 – quartz syenites-I; 4 – alkaline
feldspar quartz
syenites-I; 5 – syenitoids-II; 6 – leucogranites; 7 –
diabases, trachydacites, comendites and alkaline granites of stage
third stage
results in formation (Fig.1) of the bodies of alkaline granitoids and
associations of dykes, e.g. diabase, trachybasaltic, trachydacitic
and comendite. The mineral characteristics of rocks correspond to the
well-known in the western Trans-Baikal Kunaley (Tsagan-Khurtey)
volcano-plutonic complex of the Upper Triassic age (Dobretsov, 2003).
Thus, it is reasonable to parallelize formations of stage II with
the Permian-Triassic Kudunsky or Khorinsky after (Dobretsov, 2003),
and stage I – with the Early Permian Lower Selenginsky after
(Zanvilevich et al., 1991) or Bryansky after (Dobretsov, 2003)
magmatic complexes. This requires the isotope-geochronological
As to
there are two varieties diffused into each other in the same
cross-sections, irrespective of their general petrochemical affinity
in exterior and rare-metal composition: 1. pinkish-grey with a high
rare-metal load, 2. more leucocratic bright-pink with low
concentrations of practically all groups of rare elements
(particularly REE, Y, Th and U) including compatible elements Li, Zn,
Ti, Fe and Co. Transitions between them are quite indistinct. It
appears that the second variety was fused from the first one, which
is associated with gabbro-I.
our observations agree with the concept (Litvinovsky et al., 1999) on
the conditions of formation of syenite magma of anorogenic series
(model MFC) under the mantle plumes action (Dobretsov, 2003).
work is supported by RFBR grant ¹ 08-05-00403.
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