Granites and Earth Evolution.
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 Konovalenko S.I.Buharova O.V.

Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia,

Leucogranites and alaskits of the Kharhirinian complex are part of a homodromous row of rocs of the granite – alkali granite formation appeared in the northern part of Kobdinian terrain during it joining to the early Caledonian Central - Asian continent. Hybridized acid rocks of the Turgenulian complex 413 - 373 million years on a K-Ar method were the earliest in this row. Then leucogranit massifs of the Kharhirinian complex 360±10 million years an U - Pb method were formed and the row was completed with alkaline alaskits of the Elynian complex 330±10 million years the U - Pb method (Fomenko, 1999). Batholitic intrusions in the middle of the row were sharply dominating over volume of rocks. Two of them being a subject of consideration, practically entirely form the vast Kharhirinian upland region. It is the homonymous Kharhirinian massif with the area of 3700 km2 and located CZ Achitnurian with the area about 1600 km2. Both were formed in two phases, first of which is presented with pinky -grey coarse-grained porphyry two-feldspar granites turning into leucogranites of the variable granularity. The second one consists of uniformly grainy pinkyî-grey leucocratic granites of the medium and fine granularity. The additional dyke phase is presented with fine-medium-grained aplite leucocratic granites and more rarely with pegmatites.

An identical petrographic set of rocks in a structure of Achitnurian and Kharhirinian plutons, similar petrochemistry just as spatial closeness of massifs allowed considering them as an uniform very large pluton presented on the modern erosive cut with two separated outcrops (Fomenko, 1999). However, to some extent heterogeneity of mineralization revealed during geological work, connected with that and another massifs contradicted this considiration. In the Achitnurian one the nonindustrial field of intragranite crystals pegmatites and appearance of Sn-W greisens and in the Kharhirinian one - hydrothermal Sn-sulphidic appearance and skarn mineralization Cu and Ag were revealed.

The generalization and the analysis of original geochemical data allow revealing geochemical features of massifs. Elements – impurities being part of investigated granits can be subdivided into three groups: scarce, clàrê and overclark. The first one is Mn, Ti, Ba, Zr, V and Bå. Clark elements are - Sr, Ga, Ge, Nb, Y. In overclark ones Cu, Bi, Pb, Ni, Cr, Co, Sn, Yb, Rb, Li are found out. The further geochemical analysis allowed revealing indicator elements carrying typomorphic load in the rocks of massif complexes. Cu are such elements for Achitnurian massif and Sn, Li, Yb, Rb for Kharhirinian one.

Calculations of differentiation coefficients of massif rocks have shown that granitoids of the I phase of Kharhirinian complex of Achitnurian massif are conditionally differentiated (Kd=0,9) that is in fact fixed by the presence of facial varieties of granits within a phase. Other granitoids differ in weak differentiation (Kd<<1). Granitoids of the massifs under consideration corresponding to the basic phases of complexes on its petro -and geochemical characteristics get in the group of industrially ore-bearing solids except for the II phase of Kharhirinian complex of Achitnurian massif determined as limited ore-bearing one. Granitoids of massifs, judging by their geochemistry are specialized on Sn, Rb, Li at the same time leading position occupies the Kharhirinian one.

Using results of typomorphic features of biotite (Buharova, 2007), the data on physical and chemical conditions of granitoid formation have been received. Thus the granitoids of Kharhirinian complex differ in high activity of oxygen among mineral formation. The Achitnurian massif was crystallized on depth of formation under hypabyssal conditions and the Kharhirinian massif both under meso-and under hypabyssal conditions. The temperature of crystallization of Kharhirinian complex within the Achitnurian pluton was about 850 – 700Ñ with the insignificant tendency of decrease of the temperature gradient from the first phase to additional one. Within Kharhirinian plution the crystallization of granitoids of the I phases began with 700Ñ and could drop up to 550Ñ at crystallization of the vein additional phase, the initial temperature of crystallization of II phase - 850 – 700Ñ. Evolution of formation of the Kharhirinian complex within Achitnurian massif were going on a background of alkalinity decrease of a granite melt in contrast to similar rocs of the Kharhirinian complex of the similar massif.

Consideration of geochemical features of leucogranite mineralization of two massifs on a level of rocs and on a level of typechemism of the minerals forming them, especially micas, has shown that the established distinctions are objective and it in its turn forces to assume the presence of two separated magmatic centers at formation of massifs. Influence of distinctions in chemism of a remelted substratum is less obvious. Influence of a mobile zone on metallogenetic load of massifs is not excluded as postmagmatic mineralization is frequently dated for exocontacts of massifs.


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Fomenko A.E. Evolution of granitoid magmatism of the Kharhirinian upland region in the Western Mongolia. Article I. The homodromous row of granite – alkali granite formation // Press of institute of higher education. Geology and investigation. ¹4, 1999. P.80-90.