Nefedjev M.A.
Geological Institute SB RAS,
Ulan-Ude, Russia
deposit occurs in the south of the Vitim plateau, the Eravna ore
knot of Buryatia. It localizes in the central, most uplifted block
of the Ozeornoe ore knot, confined to the steeply dipping eastern
contact of submeridional
granite dome-like intrusion and represented by the scarn-ore
bed-like deposits that occur in the eastern limb of big anticline of
Low Cambrian sedimentary-volcanogenic rocks of south-east dipping.
The intrusion of granites is outcropped in erosional section and
divides the deposit into the north-eastern and south-western parts
zinc ores compose 23 lens-like bodies that mainly occur within the
scarns of southern flank, inheriting
their shape and conditions of occurrence. The contacts of ore bodies
are gradational, ores are massive and coarse-grained that are
typical of the nazarov’s type ores.
Eight iron ore bodies lie in
the eastern limb of anticline along the exocontact of granite
massif. The ores are naturally alloyed (4% Mn). The bed-like bodies
occur at base of scarn-ore deposit that repeats the bend of granite
massif roof and are observed for 6 km along strike and 600m by dip.
common genetic link of mineralization with dome-like intrusion of
granites is established for the deposit
(Vinogradov, 1972). Active granitization of host rocks,
interrelation of granites with metasomatites and mineralization of
contact halo, regular zonation of contact-metasomatic formations and
ores, dependence of ore body structure on roof morphology of granite
massif testify to it. Processes of scarn- and ore formation are
observed on their interrelations on the background of inheriting the
basic structural plan of deformation, conditions of localization,
their internal structure and geochemical behaviour of boron,
manganese and other elements. The formation of ore-bearing scarns,
iron ore and zinc bodies is genetically associated with hypothetical
intrusion of granites. The magmatic rocks are referred to the
Middle-Upper Paleozoic (granites and granosyenite-porphyries) Zaza
and Mesozoic (dolerites) complexes (Litvinovsky, Zanvilevich, 1976).
Leucocratic, massive, porphyry-like granites frame the Eravna
relics, host ore knot and compose the crest-like massif that cuts
sedimentary-metamorphic rocks of the roof (Fig.1A). Their absolute
age is 260 Ma that corresponds to the end of magmatic activity in
the Lower Permian. Dykes of granosyenite-porphyries crosscut
granites, contact-metasomatic formations and ores. Their formation
is associated with formation of granites. Magnesial metasomatosis
resulted in biotization and amphibolitization of lavas, tuffs,
hornfels and limestones. Distribution of scarn-ore bodies is
controlled by submeridional faults and lithological composition of
rocks in no dependence on their stratigraphical position. The massif
of granites and faults that bound them formed there in the Upper
Carboniferous-Upper Permian. Limestone scarns, greisenization,
boron, iron ore, zinc ore bodies and molybdenum zones that re[eat
the main bends of granite roof by strike and dip are developed in
the contact halo of granites and submeridional faults. Dykes of
granosyenite-porphyries formed in the Upper Permian-Middle Triassic.
They crosscut scarns, greisens and ores and are not replaced by
them. Dykes of dolerite porphyrites crosscut al rocks and ores of the deposit.

Fig.1. Results
of detailed geological and geophysical studies at the
Magnetite-Solongo deposit:
A – Geological
map; B – Map of combined favourable features; C – Plan
of gravitational local anomalies; D – Plan of magnetic field
isodynamic lines. (1) limestones; (2) hornfelsed felsite-porphyries;
(3) granites; (4) syenites and granosyenites; (5) magnetic ores; (6)
mineralized scarns; (7) scarns; (8) calciphyres; (9) dislocations
with break in continuity: a) main faults (1 – Magnetite, 2 –
Contact, 3 – Granosyenite, 4 – Transversal); b)
secondary faults; (10) conductivity zones of the combined electric
profiling (CEP); (11) anomalies of NF (natural electric field, in 1
cm: 400 mV); (12) anomalies of PP (provoked polarization; in 1 cm:
20%); (13) axes of variometric anomalies; (14) isolines of local
anomalies ∆g (a – positive, b – zero); (15)
isolines of magnetic field in thous. gammas (a – positive, b –
zero, c – negative); (16) numbers of main faults; (17) the
prospecting lines, drill holes and their numbers.
formed in the postorogenic hypabyssal conditions being the product
of tectono-magmatic activization
in the Upper Paleozoic. Intensive magmatic replacement of host rocks
with wide occurrence of metasomatic processes in the magmatic stage
and gradual transition of melt into host rocks took place
simultaneously with introduction of granites.
structure of the deposit is complex. It is divided into blocks of
various size and vertical thickness (0-1,5-2,5 km) by numerous
faults. The rocks are intensely crushed and smashed. Geophysical
techniques (Fig.1B, C, D) are of invaluable help in studying the
peculiarities of the deposit structure in those conditions. The
structure of the deposit, its position in the plan, block texture
and ore bodies are clearly reflected in anomalies of gravity and
magnetic field. Elements of block-rupture tectonics are clearly
mapped in field of the seeming resistances. In addition, ore bodies
are distinctly shaped by intensive anomalies of PP, NF and Vxz
(Nefedjev, 2003).
massif is localized in the tectonic block. Its form is determined by
the three large faults, i.e. Magnetite (1), Contact (2) and
Granosyenite (3) ones. In south-western part, the massif is sharply
pinched out to 100 m, subsides to depth 600-700 m and widens to 4,5
km to the north. These faults controlled the location, form of
Magnetite structural block and contact surface and determined the
complex block structure of Magnetite
ore field.Thus, the genetic link of mineralization with dome-like
intrusion of granites is established for the Magnetite-Solongo
deposit. The processes of scarn- and ore formation are observed
through their interrelations on the background of inheriting the
basic structural plan of deformation, conditions of localization,
their internal structure and geochemical behaviour of boron,
manganese and other elements.
Litvinovsky B.A., Zanvilevich A.N. (1976) Paleozoic
granitioid magmatism of West Transbaikalia. Novosibirsk. Nauka.
Nefedjev M.A. (2003)
Structure and estimate of ore field and deposit perspectives of
Buryatia by geophysical data. Izd-vo of Buryat Research Centre SB
RAS. Ulan-Ude. 206p.
Nefedjev M.A.,
Vinogradov B.K. (1982) Complexing the methods in predicting and
searching the deposits. Novosibirsk. Nauka. 168p.
Vinogradov B.K. (1972)
About relation of granite intrusion to scarns and minealization in
the Solongo deposit (West Transbaikalia) // Materials on geology and
deposits of Buryat ASSR. Ulan-Ude.