Sasim S.A., Dril S.I.,
Tatarnikov S.A., Vladimirova T.A., Sandimirova G.P.
Institute of Geochemistry SB
RAS, Irkutsk, Russia,
the whole Phanerozoic the Siberian paleocontinent had been
contacting with mantle plumes, which presumably belonged to the
African-Atlantic hot field of the mantle (Yarmolyuk, Kovalenko,
Kuzmin, 2000). In the Mesozoic the Mongol-Okhotsk paleoocean which
was closing at that time as well as adjacent areas
experienced the influence of intensive intraplate processes.
Transferring of the Mongol-Okhotsk folded belt to the
intracontinental stage was accompanied in the Jurassic by abundant
shoshonite-latite magmatic occurrences (Tauson, Antipin, Zakharov,
Zubkov, 1984, Antipin, 1992).
rocks of the Akatui massif in the Southeast Transbaikalia are
considered to be a classical example of shoshonite-latite magmatic
occurrences. The Akatui massif includes olivine monzonites,
monzogabbro, monzonites, quartz monzonite and syenite-porphyries.
Their age is considered to be 166-147 Ma (Tauson, Antipin, Zakharov,
Zubkov, 1984) that corresponds to the Middle-Late Jurassic.

Fig. 1.
Multicomponent diagram for rocks of the Akatui massif, Southeast
multicomponent diagram for rocks of the first and second (major)
phases of the Akatui massif shows that as opposed to an average
composition of OIB basalts they are essentially enriched by such
groups of elements, as LILE, LREE, Th, U, and are depleted by HFSE
and P (Fig. 1). The interaction of the mantle and crust sources has
been traditionally considered as one of the major components of the
model which describes the origin and evolution of melts of
shoshonite-latite series (Tauson, Antipin, Zakharov, Zubkov, 1984).
On the multicomponent diagram the distribution pattern of trace
elements in rocks of the Akatui massif is similar to that for an
average composition of the upper continental crust. However, the
rocks of the Akatui massif show higher accumulation of the majority
of incompatible elements (Fig. 1). This fact restrains the
application of the model of the crust contamination of the basic
melt by the crust substance in order to explain the increased
contents of such elements as LILE and LREE in rocks of the Akatui
massif. On the other hand, high enrichment of melts from
shoshonite-latite series by incompatible and volatile elements was
related to melting of the mantle source of the enriched type
(Tauson, Antipin, Zakharov, Zubkov, 1984).
estimated a possible significance of various sources of the
substance for originating rocks of the Akatui massif using Sr-Nd-Pb
isotope data. Intrusive rocks of the massif demonstrate rather
increased values of 87Sr/86Sr
being in the range from 0, 70644 to 0, 70677, and negative εNd
= (-2,1) - (-0,2) values that can be related to the contamination of
the primary mantle melt by the matter of the continental crust (Fig.
2). The composition of this crust component should be characterized
by εNd
that distinguishes it from the standard average compositions of the
upper (εNd = -25) or the lower continental crust (εNd
= -30). We suggest, that the Phanerozoic continental crust of the
region, which is mainly composed of deposits of accretion wedges and
island arcs might have such isotope composition.
of isotope Pb composition in rocks of the Akatui massif verify the
above conclusions made using trace element and Sr-Nd isotope
characteristics. On the diagram 207/204Pb/206/204Pb
compositional points of rocks from the Akatui massif lie between
plots of isotope evolution of lead of the mantle and the upper
crust, indicating mixing of lead from both reservoirs in intrusive
melts of shoshonite-latite series of East Transbaikalia generated
with participation of at least two sources of the matter - mantle,
most likely enriched one, and the subordinate upper crust

Fig. 2. The
isotope diagram εNd(0)-87Sr/86Sr(0)
for rocks of the Akatui massif, Southeast Transbaikalia.
Studies were supported by RFBR 05-05-64332, 06-05-64754,
Yarmolyuk V.V.,
Kovalenko V. I, Kuzmin M. I. North Asian plume in the Phanerozoic
and deep-seated geodynamics//Geotectonics.
2000. №5. P.3-29.
Antipin V.S.
Geochemical evolution of calc-alkaline and subalkaline magmatism.
Nauka. Novosibirsk. 1992. 210p.
Tauson L.V., Antipin V.
S, Zakharov M. N, Zubkov V. S. Geochemistry of the Mesozoic latites
of Transbaikalia. Novosibirsk. Nauka.
1984. 205p.