The deadline for abstract submission is June 15, 2008.
     Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail ( as attached files in RTF or DOC format. Please name the attached file by the name of the first author (for example: SMITH.RTF or SMITH.DOC).
     The abstracts must not be longer then two A4 size pages including tables, illustrations and references with all round margins of 2.5cm.
     The text must be prepared using Microsoft Word (version 6.0 and above): Times New Roman, 12, single spaced, wide justified, not paginated, 1cm indented.
     The Title must be typed in Times New Roman, 12, caps lock, bold, centered. Author's initials and last name must be typed in Times New Roman italics, 12. The last name of the reporter should be underlined, followed by organization, city, country and e-mail address of authors (Times New Roman, 11) in the next line. If authors represent different organizations, asterisks are used (see abstract form). Last names and addresses of authors are centered and separated from text by blank line.
     Graphic. Black-and white tables and figures must be saved at the highest possible resolution. Figures must be in separate JPG, GIF, TIF or BMP files, tables in DOC files, named by the name of the first author (for example: Smith1.jpg). You are advised to determine how color illustrations will appear in black/white for reproduction in the printed proceedings. Figures, tables (Times New Roman, 10) should be referred in parenthesis: (Fig. 1, Table 2). Figure captions must be in separate DOC files (Times New Roman, 10).
     References must be separated by a single line from the main text, typed in Times New Roman 11, alphabetically ordered, 0,7cm indented. In text references to literary source should be referred in parenthesis: (Wilson et al., 2003).