of Geology and Geochemistry UrB RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russia,
granitoid magmatism at Andean-type continental margin is accompanied
by basic magmatism, which is described in details in geological
literature (Barbarin, 1991; Barbarin et al, 1989; Hyndman, Foster,
1988; Tepper, 1996). Classical examples of such batholiths are giant
Mesozoic and Cenozoic batholiths from the western North and South
America. They are accompanied everywhere by small mafic intrusions,
synplutonic mafic dykes and melanocratic enclaves. Although
melanocratic dykes make up less than 20 % of the rocks volume, they
are important for genesis of granitoids.
Similar to
them is the Verkhisetsky batholith - the Urals largest plutonic body
– is located near Yekaterinburg within the paleo-continental
margin. Massif covers an area of 1800 km2.
The batholith is hosted in Late Silurian(?) and Early Middle Devonian
(Eifelian) volcanic and comagmatic gabbro-granite series.
investigation revealed two main stages in history of development of
batholith. The first stage (D3-C2)
produced gabbro-diorite and tonalite-granodiorite series. The second
stage (C3-P1)
was responsible for the formation of massive granite bodies in the
central part of the massif (Bea et al. 1997, Smirnov et al. 1998).
Dykes and
their enclaves are connected with granitoids of first stage and
absent in the central granite bodies. Morphology, structural-textural
features and their chemical composition similarity to hosted rocks
let us regarded them as synplutonic dykes (Zinkova, Fershtater,
Features of
synplutonic dykes are: (1) dykes contain plastically deformed
enclaves of host rock; (2) the presence of numerous inclusions –
the fragments of disintegrated dykes in host rocks; (3) crenulate
margins of dykes against the host – evidence of dykes injection
in viscous magma; (4) common direction of plastic deformation
in dykes and host granitoid; (5) dykes are metamorphosed by the heat
of the host granitoids.
Dykes form usually dense swarms
within a host granodiorite. The thickness of the dykes reaches
1.5-2.0 m; the composition varies from gabbro to granodiorite.
subdivide into two morphological types. The first is the composite
dykes (Fig.
A, B), which consist of basic and acid rocks. The acid rocks form
boudin veinlets inside the dykes. These dykes look like a migmatite.
Dykes of second type have a homogeneous structure.
The rocks of
enclaves and dykes, as well as granitoids, both belong to
calc-alcaline series and have adakite-like chemistry. Recent adakite
series are present nearby active zones of oceanic spreading, where
young hot oceanic lithosphere is subducted (ridge subduction). Low
initial 87Sr/86Sr
ratios (0.704) of granitoids consistent with melting of a young
basaltic substance, and synplutonic dykes are proposed to be the
relict of this substance. The processes of partial melting gave them
migmatite-like appearance and are source for granitoid magma of
plate-edge batholiths.
This work was supported by the
Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 08-05-00018).

B. Synplutonic
dykes of Verkhisetsky massif – composite dyke, which consists
of basic and acid rocks.

B. Synplutonic
dykes of Verkhisetsky massif – composite dyke, which consists
of basic and acid rocks.
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