Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
Мир Бурятия "Гравитация науки: Геологический институт БНЦ СО РАН"
Дайджест мировых новостей: 
Northern Gold Mining Inc. Kirana Project Update [2009-01-02]     TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Jan. 2, 2009) - Northern Gold Mining Inc. (TSX VENTURE:NGM) has completed its 2008 drill programs and provides this update on the results from its Kirana property in the Kirkland Lake, Ontario area.      
Northern Gold Mining drilled 13,524 metres at the Fidelity area on the Kirana Project beginning in summer 2008. Forty drill holes totaling 6041 metres were drilled in the Fidelity area where initial surface sampling encountered high gold values, as reported earlier. Nineteen holes totaling 3800 metres were drilled testing the Kirana Break and associated IP anomaly in the central area of the property. Eleven holes totaling 2200 metres were drilled testing the Southern IP anomaly in the central area of the property. Seven holes totaling 905 metres were drilled testing the polymetallic mineralization and IP anomalies in the Mallard Lake area in the eastern end of the property. The remaining holes tested gold showings in the Links and Sutton area. Refer to www www.marketwire.com
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