Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
Мир Бурятия "Гравитация науки: Геологический институт БНЦ СО РАН"
Дайджест мировых новостей: 
When Earth Was a Snowball: Global Glaciers May Have Sparked Evolutionary Burst [2011-01-25]     It took a mere 85 million years--the geologic blink of an eye--for animals to evolve and radiate out over much of the world rsquo;s land and oceans. Although fossil records and molecular biology have provided much information on the spread of animal life, scientists have not been able to figure out exactly what sparked this massive diversification. New research shows that nutrient-rich runoff from massive melting glaciers may have provided the extra energy needed to fuel this dramatic evolution.      
In the 1990s several scientists found evidence that much of Earth rsquo;s surface was covered with glaciers 635 million to 750 million years ago. They called their hypothesis ldquo;Snowball Earth. rdquo; Since then, many other studies have confirmed that it once may have been possible to ski from pole to pole. As the glaciers advanced, they scraped off the top layer of rock and soil on land and then released minerals and nutrients into the ocean as they retreated.      
[More] www.sciam.com/
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