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Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
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Appointment of Consulting Geologist to Management Team [2011-01-25]     Teknomining Plc      
Appointment of Consulting Geologist to Management Team      
Dublin 25th January 2011      
The Directors of Teknomining Plc (PLUS-SX: TEKP) are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr.      
John Colthurst, as a Geological Consultant to the company.      
With over thirty years experience in the mining and exploration industry, Dr. Colthurst is a      
professional geologist certified by the Institute of Geologists of Ireland and a certified      
European Geologist working extensively in Ireland and throughout Europe.      
A founding member of The Institute of Geologists of Ireland, he is also a member and former      
President of The Irish Association for Economic Geology (IAEG) and a member of The Mining Heritage      
Trust of Ireland. He has served as the nominee of the Irish Association for Economic Geology on      
the Royal Irish Academy's National Committee for Geology.      
Commenting on the appointment of Dr. Colthurst, Michael Holden, Chief Executive, said that, 'As      
the compa www.marketwire.com
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