Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
Мир Бурятия "Гравитация науки: Геологический институт БНЦ СО РАН"
Дайджест мировых новостей: 
Earthquakes in Arkansas: Enjoy the Ride [2011-02-18]     A swarm of earthquakes has been affecting central Arkansas for several days; the strongest so far was this morning, estimated at magnitude 4.1. That, like several other events in the swarm, was large enough to be felt across the state.      
The US Geological Survey says in a press release that Arkansas has a history of swarms. 'Scientists do not know why swarms start, why they stop, or how long to expect them to last. The possibility of a larger earthquake cannot be discounted, but none of the other swarms have caused any reason to expect a future earthquake large enough to cause significant damage in central Arkansas.'      
These little shakers are not deadly, but the region was devastated 200 years ago by very large earthquakes, and a regionwide earthquake drill involving ten states will be taking place on 28 April. Consider them a consciousness-raising device from your local lithosphere.      
USGS page for the 4.1 event      
Live quake map of Arkansas      
April ShakeOut drill      
About earthquakes      
Earthquake resources for the eastern U.S.A.      
Geology of Arkansas      
US Geological Survey image      
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