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Tectonics in Action  [2012-05-16]
The next map I've put up shows the geologic features and activities that plate tectonics explains: volcanoes, earthquakes and faults, mainly. These things line up in very specific ways around the world, and those lines are what led scientists to come up with plate tectonics.  подробнее...
USGS Details Effects of Climate Change on Water Availability in 14 Local Basins Nationwide  [2012-05-16]
Climate change projections indicate a steady increase in temperature progressing through the 21st century, generally resulting in snowpack reductions, changes to the timing of snowmelt, altered streamflows, and reductions in soil moisture, all of which could affect water management, agriculture, recreation, hazard mitigation, and ecosystems across the nation.  подробнее...
A Subtle Change in the Plate Map  [2012-05-12]
For many years, the U.S. Geological Survey's cartoon map of the tectonic plates has crept farther behind the times. But I continue to feature it here on About.com Geology because it's still beautiful and still gets the most basic point across: Earth's outer shell is made of plates.  подробнее...
New Geologic Map of Vermont Unveiled  [2012-04-11]
MONTPELIER, Vt. ndash; A new bedrock geologic map of the state was unveiled in a ceremony at the Vermont State House today, bringing a critical tool to land managers involved in natural resource planning and environmental assessment.  подробнее...
One Year After Fukushima, a Startup Named Kurion Continues to Shed Light on What it Means to Live in the Nuclear Age [USA Scie  [2012-03-15]
By Larry Bock Founder and organizer, USA Science Engineering Festival When searching for a prime, real-life example of how science and technology are making a difference in the world right now, my thoughts lately turn to a small but feisty greentech startup that you may never have heard of: Kurion, Inc. Based in Irvine, CA with 15 employees, this profitable three-year-old company which specializes in nuclear waste cleanup has quietly and effectively been using its technology at the front lines of Fukushima, the site of what is being called one of the largest nuclear disasters in history.  подробнее...
New theory on formation of oldest continents  [2012-03-12]
Geologists have demonstrated new scientific results to support a new theory on the earliest phase of continental formation.
Volcanoes deliver 2 flavors of water  [2012-02-27]
Seawater circulation pumps hydrogen and boron into the oceanic plates that make up the seafloor, and some of this seawater remains trapped as the plates descend into the mantle at areas called subduction zones.  подробнее...
New Study Confirms Low Levels of Fallout from Fukushima and Enhances Knowledge  [2012-02-22]
Fallout from the 2011 Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power facility in Japan was measured in minimal amounts in precipitation in the United States in about 20 percent of 167 sites sampled in a nationwide study released today.  подробнее...
The meaning of HeartlandGate [Greg Laden's Blog]  [2012-02-15]
It will take some time before the meaning of HeartlandGate is realized. The released confidential documents are not extensive, but they are current, mainly related to a meeting that happened less than a month before their release.  подробнее...
Новый суперконтинент Амазия образуется в районе Северного полюса  [2012-02-13]
13.02.2012 В соответствии с гипотезой, выдвинутой группой геологов из Йельского университета (США) во главе с доктором Россом Митчеллом (Ross Mitchell), примерно через 50-200 миллионов лет Северная и Южная Америки сольются с Евразией, и в районе Северного полюса образуется новый суперконтинент Амазия.
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25.00.04 - петрология, вулканология;
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Действует аспирантура по направлению наук 05.06.01 Науки о Земле по следующим специальностям:

25.00.02 - палеонтология, стратиграфия
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25.00.07 - гидрогеология
25.00.09 - геохимия, геохимические методы поисков полезных ископаемых
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25.00.11 - геология, поиски и разведка твердых полезных ископаемых, минерагения
25.00.25 - геоморфология и эволюционная география