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Дайджест мировых новостей: Палеонтология

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Oldest reptile fossil returns to N.S.  [2011-04-24]
What is reputed to be the world's oldest reptile fossil is returning to Nova Scotia for the first time since it was sent overseas more than 100 years ago.
Fossil sirenians give scientists new look at ancient climate  [2011-04-21]
What tales they tell of their former lives, these old bones of sirenians, relatives of today's dugongs and manatees. And now, geologists have found, they tell of the waters in which they swam.While researching the evolutionary ecology of ancient sirenians -- commonly known as sea cows--scientist Mark Clementz and colleagues unexpectedly stumbled across data that could change the view of climate during the Eocene Epoch, some 50 million years ago.
Biggest Fossil Spider Found  [2011-04-20]
The new species is the oldest member of a group of modern web weavers that spin five-foot webs, a new study says.
Largest Fossil Spider Found in Volcanic Ash  [2011-04-20]
The largest fossil spider uncovered to date once ensnared prey back in the age of dinosaurs, scientists find.(LiveScience)
Reptiles Eat With the Bones Humans Hear With, Fossil Proves  [2011-04-19]
A well-preserved fossil bears the first paleontological evidence showing the close relationship between the lower jaw and the middle ear.
Ancient fossils hold clues for predicting future climate change  [2011-04-08]
The study of fossilized mollusks dating back more than 3.5 million years has enabled geoscientists to construct an ancient climate record that holds clues regarding the long-term effects of Earth's current levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a key contributor to global climate change.
Uncertain Future for Joshua Trees Projected with Climate Change  [2011-03-24]
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. mdash; Temperature increases resulting from climate change in the Southwest will likely eliminate Joshua trees from 90 percent of their current range in 60 to 90 years, according to a new study led by U.S.  подробнее...
Dinosaur fossil discovery in Angola  [2011-03-17]
Scientists say they have discovered the first fossil of a dinosaur in Angola, and that it's a new creature, heralding a research renaissance in a country slowly emerging from decades of war.A paper published on Wednesday in the...
Paleontologists audition modern examples of ancient behavior  [2011-03-16]
A video of a modern shellfish by University of Cincinnati paleontologists suggests a way to test theories about the behavior of fossilized specimens.
Fossils record ancient migrations and trilobite orgies  [2011-03-16]
Fossilized 'snapshots' provide University of Cincinnati paleontologist Carlton E. Brett and colleagues with new insights into the behavior of ancient marine creatures. Brett will present this research March 20 at the regional meeting of the Geological Society of America in Pittsburgh.
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К защите принимаются диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата и доктора наук по специальностям:
25.00.04 - петрология, вулканология;
25.00.11 - геология, поиски и разведка твердых полезных ископаемых, минерагения

Действует аспирантура по направлению наук 05.06.01 Науки о Земле по следующим специальностям:

25.00.02 - палеонтология, стратиграфия
25.00.04 - петрология, вулканология
25.00.07 - гидрогеология
25.00.09 - геохимия, геохимические методы поисков полезных ископаемых
25.00.10 - геофизика, геофизические методы поисков полезных ископаемых
25.00.11 - геология, поиски и разведка твердых полезных ископаемых, минерагения
25.00.25 - геоморфология и эволюционная география