Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
Earth's highest coastal mountain on the move [2010-09-20] The rocks of Colombia's Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta -- the highest coastal mountain on Earth -- tell a fascinating tale: the mountain collides and then separates from former super-continents. Volcanoes are born and die. подробнее... www.sciencedaily.com
Using underground clues to determine past atmospheric heat [2010-09-13] Before a global climate model can be used by scientists to predict future climate patterns, it must first successfully predict the climate of the past as known by historical records or as inferred by proxy data (for example, oxygen isotopes in ice cores and tree ring records). подробнее... www.sciencedaily.com
More hurricanes in greener seas? [2010-09-08] More hurricanes may form in greener waters, where sunlight tends to be absorbed at shallower depths, than in clear seas, according to new research that draws a link between ocean color and the formation and movement of tropical cyclones. подробнее... web.mit.edu
Water in Earth's mantle key to survival of oldest continents [2010-09-02] Earth today is one of the most active planets in the Solar System, and was probably even more so during the early stages of its life. Thanks to the plate tectonics that continue to shape our planet's surface, remnants of crust from Earth's formative years are rare, but not impossible to find. подробнее... www.sciencedaily.com
Mineral physicists find new scenery at Earth's core-mantle boundary [2010-09-02] Using a diamond-anvil cell to recreate the high pressures deep within the earth, researchers have found unusual properties in an iron-rich magnesium- and iron-oxide mineral that may explain the existence of several ultra-low velocity zones at the core--mantle boundary. www.sciencedaily.com
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