Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
Lithospheric layering in the North American craton [2010-08-25] These authors show that changes in seismic anisotropy with depth across the stable part of North America reveal the presence of two lithospheric layers. The top layer, which is chemically depleted, is в€ј150 km thick under the ancient core of the continent and tapers out along its younger borders. подробнее... www.nature.com
A view of Baffin Island's flood basalt lava cliffs in northern Canada. The cliffs are made from the oldest material on Earth
Chunk of original earth found [2010-08-16] Imagine you suddenly discovered part of your umbilical cord was still attached. Scientists just did that for the planet Earth. What's been found is a clear sign that beneath the crust in northern Canada there is a chunk of pristine, undisturbed rock from the time when Earth was nothing but molten rock. www.digg.com
August 2010 Lithosphere highlights [2010-08-16] The August Lithosphere studies large igneous provinces through examination of the South Mountain region, Pennsylvania; structural style across the Kaiparowits Basin, Utah; timing and rate of extension in the Anaconda metamorphic core complex, Montana; slip-rates at four new locations along the Kunlun fault, Tibet; unusual behavior in Earth's crust that can bring rocks to the surface from more than 50 km deep; and paleo-earthquakes along the Calico fault, Eastern California shear zone. www.eurekalert.org
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