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Дайджест мировых новостей: Вулканы

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Develop instruments to monitor volcanic ash fallout  [2010-06-30]
Air-traffic response to future incidents akin to the volcanic eruption in Iceland will be more effective if an automated instrument can be developed for continuous, near real-time monitoring of ash fallout from eruption plumes.Ash from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption was carried towards Europe by prevailing
Шивелуч выбросил столб пепла на 6 километров в высоту  [2010-06-27]
Самый северный действующий вулкан на Камчатке под названием Шивелуч выбросил столб пепла на 6 километров в высоту. Об этом стало известно из сообщения представителя Института вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН, передает talks.su.  подробнее...
Flood Basalts: Massive Eruptions Had Global Environmental Impacts  [2010-06-27]
Over geological time, huge eruptions of lava have generated massive areas of rock. These eruptions have had significant environmental impacts.
The Eruptive History of the Santorini Volcano in the Aegean  [2010-06-24]
The holiday island of Santorini is the remains of a volcano which erupted catastrophically around 3,500 years ago - and may become active in the future.
Sakurajima can't keep its top on, sets new record [Eruptions]  [2010-06-22]
Sakurajima in Japan erupting in 2000. Sometimes, it is the volcanoes that erupt out of the blue that get all the attention, leaving the ones that are constant producers to be ignored by the fawning media.  подробнее...
"Great" headlines attack! [Eruptions]  [2010-06-22]
Africa is threatened by 'scorching hot blobs of magma' according to the CSM. Nothing like some fabulous headlines to make your day. The first (courtesy of the Christian Science Monitor) Massive blob of scorching magma discovered under southern Africa Oh my! Yes, again, it seems that the many people in the media seem to be very confused about the nature of magma when it is underground - always expecting giant vats of swirling, molten magma rising up to destroy us all.  подробнее...
Monday Musings: Russian activity, tremors at Ngauruhoe and Mayon climbers beware [Eruptions]  [2010-06-21]
News for Monday! Ngauruhoe in New Zealand, showing the dark lava flows of basaltic andesite on the slopes of the young volcanic cone. Image by Erik Klemetti, taken January 2009. A couple pieces of news from two Russian volcanoes on the Kamchatka Peninsula: (1) last week's report of activity at Gorely appears to be semi-substantiated with new photos on the KVERT website (Russian).  подробнее...
Ископаемые извержения  [2010-06-17]
Современные извержения вулканов, даже те, что вызывали глобальное похолодание климата, не идут ни в какое сравнение с древними катаклизмами эпохи раннего кайнозоя. Нет никакой гарантии, что катастрофические события не повторятся в наше время, считают ученые, изучившие геологические 'отпечатки пальцев' извержений -- пленки сернистых соединений в горных породах, сохранившиеся от вулканических выбросов.
Volcanic emissions used to study Earth’s atmospheric past  [2010-06-17]
On March 20, Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano woke from its nearly 200-year slumber to change the way the world viewed volcanoes forever. Bringing almost all transatlantic air travel to a halt for the first time in modern history, this volcano reminded humanity of the powers these forces of nature contain -- and of our relative inability to understand them.  подробнее...
Massive volcanic SO2 oxidation and sulphate aerosol deposition in Cenozoic North America  [2010-06-16]

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