Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
Loons Tracked by Satellites Will Uncover Mysteries of Their Migration [2010-07-20] Ten common loons are now sporting satellite transmitters so researchers can study the migratory movements and feeding patterns of these remarkable fish-eating waterbirds as they migrate through the Great Lakes toward their winter homes farther south.
By using satellite tracking devices implanted in the loons from Wisconsin and Minnesota, USGS scientists expect to learn essential information about avian botulism needed by managers to develop important conservation strategies for the loon species. подробнее... www.usgs.gov
Историк Владимир Родионов в исследовании «Идеологические истоки расовой дискриминации славян в ... [2010-07-18] Историк Владимир Родионов в исследовании «Идеологические истоки расовой дискриминации славян в Третьем рейхе» доказывает несостоятельность модного ныне в кругах националистов и монархистов мифа о якобы «освободительном» характере войны, которую вела нацистская Германия против Советского Союза«Одним из ведущих теоретиков расовых исследований в Третьем рейхе являлся Ойген Фрайхерр фон Эйкштедт (1892 – 1965). подробнее... scepsis.ru/news
Breakthrough achieved in explaining why tectonic plates move the way they do [2010-07-17] Geophysicists have developed a new theory to explain the global motions of tectonic plates on the earth's surface. The new theory extends the theory of plate tectonics -- a kinematic description of plate motion without reference to the forces behind it -- with a dynamical theory that provides a physical explanation for both the motions of tectonic plates as well as motion of plate boundaries. www.sciencedaily.com
August 2010 Geology and GSA Today highlights [2010-07-16] Digging dinosaurs, burrowing worms, weakened rocks, immobilized uranium, slowstanding sea levels, isolated nunataks, colliding sediments, retreating ice sheets, westerly winds, electrically conductive lithosphere, dynamic debris flows, reactivated landslides, rock incompetence, recrystallized quartz, and biased sedimentation are some of the topics presented in the August issue of GEOLOGY.(EurekAlert) www.kjvbible.org
New theory on why some mountains crumble [2010-07-16] Australian scientists have come up with a new theory about the movement of tectonic plates that explains why and when some mountains form - and crumble. (ABC.news.au) www.kjvbible.org
Noninvasive probing of geological core samples [2010-07-15] Tools to measure a core sample's electrical anisotropy have been sadly lacking, according to a group of researchers. To solve this problem, they found inspiration in a type of logging technology currently used by the modern oil industry. подробнее... www.sciencedaily.com
Discovering Earth's Hidden Diamonds Just Got Easier [2010-07-15] Diamond prospectors know that the secret to finding diamonds is to locate rocks called kimberlites. A new study in Nature this week may help them focus their search a bit more closely, and also reveals a new understanding of the Earth's mantle.(LiveScience) www.kjvbible.org
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