Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
Предсказания "конца света" в 2013 году не имеют научной основы [2010-06-21] Прогнозы техногенной катастрофы в 2013 году из-за пика активности Солнца, скорее всего, являются лишь околонаучными заявлениями, считает научный сотрудник Лаборатории рентгеновской астрономии Солнца Физического института имени Лебедева (ФИАН) Сергей Богачев. подробнее... babr.ru
British geologists probe Arctic origins [2010-06-21] Two British scientists are heading to Ellesmere Island to continue research aimed at unlocking the geological origins of the Arctic. rss.cbc.ca
Magma Plume Discovered Under Southern Africa [2010-06-20] A blob of the Earth's gooey insides linked to volcanic eruptions has been detected below southern Africa. The newly discovered blob is known to geologists as a mid-mantle plume. Mantle plumes are columns of hot, gushy gunk that flow toward the Earth's surface and are a known contributor to volcanic activity. подробнее... www.kjvbible.org
Afghanistan's Kabul Basin Faces Major Water Challenges [2010-06-16] In the next 50 years, it is estimated that drinking water needs in the Kabul Basin of Afghanistan may increase sixfold due to population increases resulting from returning refugees. It is also likely that future water resources in the Kabul Basin will be reduced as a result of increasing air temperatures associated with global climate change. подробнее... www.usgs.gov
Earth-shaking images [2010-06-16] Catastrophist ideas have seen a resurgence since the 1980s, when geologist Walter Alvarez associated the dinosaurs' disappearance with an asteroid impact. The sense that cataclysmic events shape the planet has been reinforced by a string of recent natural disasters — the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, www.nature.com
Scientists to Discuss the Future of Water in Afghanistan [2010-06-11] Population growth in the Kabul Basin, Afghanistan, due in part to returning refugees, is estimated to lead to a sixfold increase in drinking water needs by 2057. The U.S. Geological Survey is working in partnership with the Afghanistan Geological Survey to address questions of future water availability.
The USGS will present information on future water availability in Afghanistan based on an assessment of climate trends, water use, surface and groundwater availability and water quality. подробнее... www.usgs.gov
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