Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
A look back in time [2010-05-18] About 85 percent of the history of life on Earth has been solely microbial, meaning that single-celled organisms ruled the planet for billions of years before more complex life evolved. One way that geologists try to decipher how these cells functioned as far back as 3 billion years is by studying modern microbial mats, or gooey layers of nutrient-exchanging bacteria that grow mostly on moist surfaces. подробнее... web.mit.edu
Geologists show unprecedented warming in Lake Tanganyika [2010-05-17] Geologists led by Brown University have determined the east African rift lake has experienced unprecedented warming during the last century, and its surface waters are the warmest on record. That finding is important, the scientists write in the journal Nature Geoscience, because the warm surface waters likely will affect fish stocks upon which millions of people in the region depend.(PhysOrg) www.kjvbible.org
Water was present during birth of Earth, study of silver suggests [2010-05-14] Tiny variations in the isotopic composition of silver in meteorites and Earth rocks are helping scientists put together a timetable of how our planet was assembled beginning 4.568 billion years ago. The new study indicates that water and other key volatiles may have been present in at least some of Earth's original building blocks, rather than acquired later from comets, as some scientists have suggested. www.sciencedaily.com
Bolstered by geological and geophysical data: Total Area of Norway expanded [2010-05-11] Basic research played a key role in expanding the total area of Norway by nearly 250,000 square kilometres in 2009. Knowledge acquired from a ten-year-old basic research project on geologic conditions of the oceanic crust proved invaluable in ultimately successful negotiations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf. подробнее... www.sciencedaily.com
Quantum mechanics reveals new details of deep Earth [2010-05-11] Scientists have used quantum mechanics to reveal that the most common mineral on Earth is relatively uncommon deep within the planet. Using several of the largest supercomputers in the nation, a team of physicists has been able to simulate the behavior of silica in a high-temperature, high-pressure form that is particularly difficult to study firsthand in the lab. www.sciencedaily.com
Ice streams: Charting the history of the ice caps [2010-05-07] During ice ages, ice sheets move over fast-flowing ice streams that leave distinct geological signatures on the ocean floor. The relationship between ice streams and climate change forms the basis of a new study. www.sciencedaily.com
Genes as fossils [2010-05-06] When exactly did oxygen first appear in Earth’s atmosphere? Although many physical and chemical processes are thought to be responsible for that profound transformation, scientistsВ have tried to answer at least part of that question by looking for the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis — the process that organisms use to split water to make oxygen — in rocks that are billions of years old. подробнее... web.mit.edu
Explained: Dynamo theory [2010-03-25] The Earth’s global magnetic field is generated in its metallic core, located nearly 3,000 kilometers beneath the planet’s surface. The field has existed on Earth for at least 3.5 billion years and offers clues about how other planets, stars and celestial bodies may have formed.As scientists refine their understanding of how this field works in their ongoing probe of planetary history, one idea they use to explain this process is dynamo theory — the idea that a large dynamo, or magnetic field generator, exists within Earth’s outer core, where liquid iron constantly moves as the planet cools. подробнее... web.mit.edu
Mapping Venus [2010-03-22] Venus and Earth have long been thought of as sister planets. Given its similar size and proximity to Earth in the inner Solar System, Venus might seem like a promising candidate for having a surface that evolves through a tectonic process similar to what occurs on Earth, where rigid plates slowly shift across the underlying mantle. подробнее... web.mit.edu
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