Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
Tools for Life: What's Next for Cells Powered by Synthetic Genomes? [2010-08-12] The first microbe to live entirely by artificial genetic instructions began proliferating in a test tube in late March at the J. Craig Venter Institute in Rockville, Md. Venter and his colleagues built a synthetic genome for a strain of the Mycoplasma mycoides bacterium. подробнее... www.sciam.com/
Ancient Meteorite Impact Shattered Santa Fe [2010-08-10] On a winding road near Santa Fe, New Mexico, exposed mountain walls form an intricate mosaic of brown, yellow, pink and grey rocks that stretch up toward the deep blue sky. To the untrained eye, these rocks are just a random jumble of different shapes and colors. подробнее... www.kjvbible.org
Expedition Strikes Ancient Bedrock Beneath Greenland Ice [2010-08-06] After more than a year of drilling through ice in one of the harshest environments on earth, scientists in Greenland hit bedrock more than 8,300 feet (2,530 meters) below the surface of the Arctic island's vast ice sheet last week.(LiveScience) www.kjvbible.org
Expedition to Mid-Cayman Rise identifies unusual variety of deep sea vents [2010-07-21] The first expedition to search for deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Mid-Cayman Rise has turned up three distinct types of hydrothermal venting, report marine biologists. The work was conducted to search extreme environments for geologic, biologic, and chemical clues to the origins and evolution of life. www.sciencedaily.com
Expedition to Mid-Cayman Rise identifies unusual variety of deep sea vents [2010-07-21] Hydrothermal activity occurs on spreading centers all around the world. However, the diversity of the newly discovered vent types, their geologic settings and their relative geographic isolation make the Mid-Cayman Rise a unique environment in the world's ocean.(EurekAlert) www.kjvbible.org
РОССИЙСКИЙ "БОГ МИНЕРАЛОГИИ": ВКЛАД В НАУКУ [2010-07-07] Троих ученых называют основоположниками в мировой науке геохимии и кристаллохимии.Это американец Франк Кларк (1847- 1931), норвежец Виктор Мориц Гольдшмидт (1888 – 1947) и наш соотечественник Александр Евгеньевич Ферсман, 125 лет со дня рождения которого отмечено в ноябре 2008 г. подробнее... www.novoteka.ru
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