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Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
Moon Water Differs from Earth Water [2011-01-10] The Apollo moon missions ended almost 40 years ago. But for lunar scientists, they're gifts that keep on giving. Researchers studying rocks brought back by astronauts have found that the moon rsquo;s scarce water has a different chemical signature than Earth water. подробнее... www.sciam.com/
A Geologist in High Office [2011-01-07] The upcoming issue of the New York Times Magazine has a profile of a geologist: incoming Colorado governor John Hickenlooper. To my knowledge, this is the highest elected political office an American geologist has earned since the presidency of Herbert Hoover. подробнее... z.about.coml
Sulfur proves important in the formation of gold mines [2011-01-07] Collaborating with an international research team, an economic geologist has discovered how gold-rich magma is produced, unveiling an all-important step in the formation of gold mines. Robert Linnen found sulfur enhances gold's solubility, and solubility is an important step in forming a gold deposit. подробнее... www.sciencedaily.com
Major Tectonic Plates of the World [2011-01-04] The Earth's crust is divided into many pieces, called plates, that float over a fluid mantle. The boundaries between these plates cause geologic activity. rss.suite101.com
First measurement of magnetic field in Earth's core [2010-12-19] Measurements of the magnetic field at the earth's surface can tell only so much about the dynamo producing it in the planet's core. Geophysicists have now used precise astronomical position data to calculate tidal damping in the core and determine for the first time the magnetic field in the center of the planet. подробнее... www.sciencedaily.com
First measurement of magnetic field in Earth's core [2010-12-17] Earth's internal dynamo generates average field in outer core 50 times that at surface. A University of California, Berkeley, geophysicist has made the first-ever measurement of the strength of the magnetic field inside Earth's core, 1,800 miles underground.(EurekAlert) www.kjvbible.org
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