Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
Earthquakes in Arkansas: Enjoy the Ride [2011-02-18] A swarm of earthquakes has been affecting central Arkansas for several days; the strongest so far was this morning, estimated at magnitude 4.1. That, like several other events in the swarm, was large enough to be felt across the state.
The US Geological Survey says in a press release that Arkansas has a history of swarms. подробнее... z.about.coml
Nearly 60 Small to Moderate Earthquakes Strike Arkansas and Are Widely Felt [2011-02-18] Nearly 60 small and moderate earthquakes struck Arkansas since Feb. 15, 2011, the most recent a magnitude 4.3 earthquake this morning 37 miles away from Little Rock. Many of the earthquakes are large enough to be felt.
ldquo;These earthquake swarms are not that unusual for the region, rdquo; said Harley Benz, scientist in charge at the U.S. подробнее... www.usgs.gov
Swarm of Unexplained Earthquake Strikes Arkansas [2011-02-18] The U.S. Geological Survey has reported more than 30 earthquakes in the area since Sunday, including a magnitude 3.8 quake Thursday morning and at least 16 others occurring Wednesday, two of which were magnitude 3.2 and 3.5. подробнее... www.kjvbible.org
Southern San Andreas quake expected soon [2011-02-11] The Coachella Valley section of the San Andreas fault, between San Gorgonio Pass and the Imperial Valley, is the only portion of the fault which has not ruptured in a major earthquake during historical time. подробнее... www.kjvbible.org
Землетрясение произошло в Японии [2011-02-11] Землетрясение мощностью 5,3 зарегистрировано в четверг в районе столицы Японии Токио. Информации о пострадавших и разрушениях не поступало. По данным национального метеорологического управления, угрозы цунами нет, передает ИТАР-ТАСС.Эпицентр землетрясения располагался в Тихом океане к югу от японской столицы, а очаг залегал на глубине 10 километров под морским дном. подробнее... www.24news.ru
Los Angeles Basin long overdue for major earthquake: Lake-effect theory sinks, but quake timing questions go on [2011-02-10] A chronology of 1,000 years of earthquakes at the southern end of the San Andreas Fault nixes the idea that lake changes in the now-dry region caused past quakes. However, researchers say, the timeline pulled from sediment in three deep trenches confirms that this portion of the fault is long past the expected time for a major temblor that would strongly shake the Los Angeles Basin. www.sciencedaily.com
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