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Геологический институт им. Н.Л. Добрецова
Сибирского Отделения Российской академии наук
Rainy-Day Viewing: Igneous Rock Types [2012-04-10] Rain has moved in for the week where I live, and it's appealing to do as little as possible. When it's gray out, my rocks are available for admiration. May I invite you to nosh from my sampler of igneous rock pictures? Consider it studying if that helps salve your conscience, because each picture comes with explanation. подробнее... z.about.coml
How heavy and light isotopes separate in magma [2012-02-24] In the crash-car derby between heavy and light isotopes vying for the coolest spots as magma turns to solid rock, weightier isotopes have an edge: momentum. The research may offer clues to how igneous rocks form. www.sciencedaily.com
Upcoming: An Online Mineral/Fossil Festival [2012-02-07] The magazine Geology Today is turning its content into an event, 'Minerals and Fossils Explained 2012,' during March. The magazine's articles will be bundled for public access, and a panel ...Read Full Post
подробнее... z.about.coml
U.S. Mineral Values Up in 2011 [2012-01-30] The value of mineral production in the United States increased by 12 percent in 2011 from that of 2010, suggesting that the nonfuel minerals industries, particularly metals, continued to recover from the economic recession that began in December 2007 and lasted well into 2009. подробнее... www.usgs.gov
Life discovered on dead hydrothermal vents [2012-01-24] Microbiologists have found that the microbes that thrive on hot fluid methane and sulfur spewed by active hydrothermal vents are supplanted, once the vents go cold, by microbes that feed on the solid iron and sulfur that make up the vents themselves. www.sciencedaily.com
Изучению минеральных ресурсов Карабаха отводится особое место - президент [2011-10-10] СТЕПАНАКЕРТ, 10 окт - Новости-Армения.В социально-экономическом развитии Карабаха отводится особое место изучению минеральных ресурсов Арцаха, заявил в минувшую субботу президент НКР Бако Саакян в ходе стартовавшей в Степанакерте конференции «Геология и минеральные ресурсы НКР», сообщает Главное информационное ... www.novoteka.ru
USGS Releases Results of Afghan Mineral Studies [2011-09-29] Extensive research by the U.S. Geological Survey, the Afghan Geological Survey, and the Department of Defense has yielded volumes of information about areas of high mineral potential in Afghanistan, including rare earth elements, gold, iron, and copper. подробнее... www.usgs.gov
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