СТАТЬИ В РЕЦЕНЗИРУЕМЫХ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫХ И ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ ЖУРНАЛАХ: | 1 | Андреева Д.Б.,,,Ербаева М.А.,Чимитдоржиева Г.Д.,,,Stable isotope (d13C, d15N, d18O) record of soils in Buryatia, southeastern Siberia: Implications for bio-geochemical and paleoclimatic interpretations. Quaternary International Vol. 290-291, 2013: 82-94. | ДОКЛАДЫ, ТЕЗИСЫ: | 2 | Андреева Д.Б.,,,Ербаева М.А.,Чимитдоржиева Г.Д.,,Pale-oenvironmental interpretation of a Late Glacial and Holocene soil-sedimentary sequence near Burdukovo, Selenga River valley, Buryatia // Advances of the Quaternary Interior Asia. Vol. of Abstracts and Field Guidebook. Ulan-Ude, 2013: 10. | 3 | Андреева Д.Б.,,,Ербаева М.А.,,Reconstruction of envi-ronmental changes during the Late Glacial and Holocene based on biogeochemical data of a soil sedimentary sequence along the lowerSelenga River valley, Lake Baikal Region, Siberia // Paleosols, pedosediments and landscape morphology as environmental archives. Materials of the XIIth Intern. Symposium and field workshop in paleopedology (ISFWP), Kursk, Russia, August 10-15, 2013. Mos-cow, Kursk, 2013: 63. | |