СТАТЬИ В РЕЦЕНЗИРУЕМЫХ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫХ И ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ ЖУРНАЛАХ: | 1 | ,,Дорошкевич А.Г.,,,Владыкин Н.В.,The origin of magnetite-apatite rocks of Mushgai-Khudag complex, South Mongolia: Mineral chemistry and studies of melt and fluid inclusions // Lithos. 2018. 320-321. P. 567-582. | 2 | ,Дорошкевич А.Г.,,,Magnetite-apatite-dolomitic rocks of Ust-Chulman (Aldan shield, Russia): Seligdar-type carbonatites? // MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY Том: 112 Выпуск: 2 Стр.: 257-266. | 3 | ,Дорошкевич А.Г.,Пономарчук А.В.,,,,Сергеев С.А.,,,,,,1U-Pb SIMS and Ar-Ar geochronology, petrography, mineralogy and gold mineralization of the late Mesozoic Amga alkaline rocks (Aldan shield, Russia) // Ore Geology Reviews. Том: 109 Стр.: 520-534 DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2019.05.011 | 4 | ,Дорошкевич А.Г.,Сергеев С.А.,,,,Чеботарев Д.А.,,,,,Petrography, mineralogy and SIMS U-Pb geochronology of 1.9–1.8 Ga carbonatites and associated alkaline rocks of the Central-Aldan magnesiocarbonatite province (South Yakutia, Russia) // Mineralogy and Petrology. 2019. 1133. 329–352. DOI: 10.1007/s00710-019-00661-3 | 5 | ,Дорошкевич А.Г.,Пономарчук А.В.,,,Владыкин Н.В.,,Ar-Ar geochronology and petrogenesis of the Mushgai-Khudag alkaline carbonatite complex (southern Mongolia) //Lithos. - 2020. - V.372-373. DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105675 | 6 | ,,Дорошкевич А.Г.,,,Владыкин Н.В.,Conditions for the crystallization of fluorite in the Mushgai-Khudag complex (Southern Mongolia): Evidence from trace element geochemistry and fluid inclusions //Geochemistry. - 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemer.2020.125666. | |