СТАТЬИ В РЕЦЕНЗИРУЕМЫХ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫХ И ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ ЖУРНАЛАХ: | 1 | Reyf F.G.,Seltmann R.,Zaraisky G.,Fedkin A.,Inclusion-derived data on features of tantalite-saturated melt and its responsibility for the formation of the Orlovka tantalum deposit, Transbaikalia. GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam, Germany. Terra Nostra 1999, № 6, p.250-252. | 2 | ,,,,Кислов Е.В.,Ковач В.П.,,Continental con-struction in Central Asia (IGCP-592): scientific results and meetings in 2012 // Episodes. 2013. V. 36, N 3. P. 227-234. | 3 | ,,,,Рассказов С.В.,Кислов Е.В.,,,Continental constructions in Central Asia (IGCP#592): 2013 Meetings and Training Activities // Episodes. 2014. Vol. 37, N 2. P. 115-121. | ДОКЛАДЫ, ТЕЗИСЫ: | 4 | Seltmann R.,Taylor B.,Aksyuk A.,Fedkin A.,Reyf F.G.,Shatov V.V.,Line rock formation in the Orlovka and Etyka tantalum deposits, Eastern Transbaikalia. Abstract. IMA Toronto, 1998, p. A148. | 5 | Seltmann R.,Taylor B.,Aksyuk A.,Fedkin A.,Zaraisky G.,Reyf F.G.,Shatov V.V.,Pegmatite-aplite and line-rock formation related to Li-F granites in the Orlovka and Etyka tantalum deposits, Eastern Transbaikalia. In: BRGU Bulletin Fourth Hutton Symposium on the origin of granites and related rocks, Clermont-Fewand, France, 20-25 September 1999 (Abstract). | |