СТАТЬИ В РЕЦЕНЗИРУЕМЫХ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫХ И ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ ЖУРНАЛАХ: | 1 | Хензыхенова Ф.И.,Липнина Е.А.,,Щетников А.А.,,Семеней Е.Ю.,,,The area surrounding the world-famous geoarchaeological site Malta (Baikal Siberia): New data on the chronology, archaeology, and fauna // Quaternary International. | 2 | Хензыхенова Ф.И.,Липнина Е.А.,Щетников А.А.,,Семеней Е.Ю.,,,The area surrounding the world-famous geoarchaeological site Malta (Baikal Siberia): New data on the chronology, archaeology, and fauna // Quaternary international. Том: 509, Стр.: 17-29, Специальный выпуск: SI. DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.02.026 | ДОКЛАДЫ, ТЕЗИСЫ: | 3 | Сато Е.,Хензыхенова Ф.И.,,,,,Семеней Е.Ю.,,Като Х.,,,Липнина Е.А.,Медведев Г.И.,,,,,Bioa of Karginian Interstadial of the Fore-Baikal area: paleogeographical reconsructions // International Conference "European Middl Palaeolithic during MIS 8 - MIS 3: cultures - environment - chronology". Wolbrom, Poland, September 25th-28th, 2012. Guidebook & Abstracts. Toryn, 2012.P.64. | 4 | Хензыхенова Ф.И.,Сато Е.,Медведев Г.И.,Липнина Е.А.,,Като Х.,,Семеней Е.Ю.,,Paleogeographic Significance of Mammal Fauna of the Palaeolithic Malta Site and its Vicinity (Baikal Siberia) // Variabilities in the East Asian Paleolithic – Similarities and Differences. Program of the 7th International Symposium of Asian Paleolith Association. November 12-14, 2014. Gonju, Korea. Session 5. Recent Findings – Central and Northeast Asia. P. 87. | |