СТАТЬИ В РЕЦЕНЗИРУЕМЫХ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫХ И ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ ЖУРНАЛАХ: | 1 | Khenzykhenova F.I.,Tumen D.,Erdene M.,Tsydenova N.,Khatanbaatar D.,Schepina N.A.,New data on small mammals of Neolithic sites and burials grounds in Mongolia // Erforschung Biologischer Ressourgen der Mongolei (Haale/Saale), 2016 v. 13, pp. 333-338. | 2 | Хензыхенова Ф.И.,,Эрдэнэ М.,,,Щепина Н.А.,Small mammals of the Neolithic sites and burial grounds in Mongolia (new data) // Erforschung Biologischer Ressoursen der Mongolei, 2012: р.154-160. ISSN: 0440-1298. | 3 | ,,Рампилова М.В.,,,,Chemical and spectroscopic study of nephrite artifacts from Transbaikalia, Russia: Geological sources and possible transportation routes // Quaternary International, 2015, V. 355, № 12, р. 114–125. | 4 | ,,,Хензыхенова Ф.И.,Тумэн Д.,Эрдэнэ М.,Reconstruction of paleoenvironmental conditions of ancient people habitation in the Togootyn gol River valley (Eastern Mongolia) // Quaternary International. | ДОКЛАДЫ, ТЕЗИСЫ: | 5 | Хензыхенова Ф.И.,,Эрдэнэ М.,,,Schepina. Small mammal of the Neolihic sites and burial grounds in Mongolia (new data) // Erforshung biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei. Abstracts of the International Symposium "Biodiversity Research in Mongolia" Halle (Saale), Germany; 25-29 March, 2012.Halle (Saale), 2012.P. 59. ISSN-Nr. 0440-1298. | 6 | Хензыхенова Ф.И.,,Эрдэнэ М.,,Щепина Н.А.,Holocene small mammal and amphibian fauna of Mongolia // Advances of the Quaternary Interior Asia. Vol. of Abstracts and Field Guidebook. Ulan-Ude, 2013: 31. | |