СТАТЬИ В РЕЦЕНЗИРУЕМЫХ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННЫХ И ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ ЖУРНАЛАХ: | 1 | Ariskin A.A.,Kislov E.V.,Danyushevsky L.V.,Nikolaev G.S.,Fiorentini M.L.,Gilbert S.,Goemann K.,Malysheva A.V.,Cu-Ni-PGE fertility of the Yoko-Dovyren layered massif (Northern Transbaikalia, Russia): from original sulfide mineralogy towards thermodynamic modeling of the sulfide geochemistry in poorly mineralized dunites // Mineralium Deposita. 2016. V. 51, N. 8. P. 993-1011. | 2 | Арискин А.А.,Данюшевский Л.В.,Николаев Г.С.,Кислов Е.В.,,,Костицын Ю.А.,,,Малышев А.В.,The Dovyren Intrusive Complex (Southern Siberia, Russia): Insights into dynamics of an open magma chamber with implications for parental magma origin, composition, and Cu-Ni-PGE fertility // Lithos. 2018. VV. 302-303. P. 242-262. | ДОКЛАДЫ, ТЕЗИСЫ: | 3 | Данюшевский Л.В.,Арискин А.А.,Николаев Г.С.,Кислов Е.В.,,,,Малышев А.В.,A new type of PGE-rich sulfide mineralization in the lower troctolites from the Yoko-Dovyren layered intrusion (Southern Siberia, Russia) // SEG-2015 Meeting “World-Class Ore Deposits: Discovery to Recovery” (27-30 September 2015, Hobart, Australia). Abstracts. Hobart: SEG, 2015. V. 1. Р. 37-39. | 4 | Кислов Е.В.,Арискин А.А.,Данюшевский Л.В.,,Николаев Г.С.,Малышева А.В.,PGE-mineralogy of the main reef and sulfide-poor troctolite from the Yoko-Dovyren massif (Northern Baikal region) // Minerals, rocks and fluids: alphabet and words of planet Earth. 2nd European mineralogical conference, Rimini, Italy, 11-15 September, 2016. Book of abstracts. Rimini, 2016. P. 571. | |